Letter to: Upendra dasa

20 September, 1968
Department of Asian Languages and Literature
Mr. Wayne Phillip Gunderson
(Upendradas Brahmachari)
Secretary, ISKCON
5516 Roosevelt Avenue N.E.
Seattle, Washington 98105
gurupadan namaskrtya pracinavidyasamsthadhyaksena Taylor namna vijnapyate:
Tatrabhavatam hardam pattram katipayadinebhyah prag labdham. ayam tuttaravitaranavilambhah krpaya ksamyatam asya janasya karyantare atyantasaktatvat. Bhaktivedantasvaminam vartam dharmodyogam ca bhavadanugrahena nisamya tesam khalu parisramaphalapraptim asasmahe. bhavatpattre tu samayanirdesabhava asmakam tais saha sahakaravakaso na pratibhati. Washintondesiyarajanganusarena yasya kasyapi dharmasya protsahanam visvavidyalayadhikarisu nyasedhiti sujnam.
George E. Taylor
[What follows is written in Srila Prabhupada's handwriting:]
Dear Sir,
I the undersigned Mr. George E. Taylor professor of oriental languages after offering obeisances to the lotus feet of Guru beg to acknowledge receipt of your kind letter which I received a few days ago. I beg your pardon because I am delayed in replying your letter on account of my being engaged in some other business. I hope all success to Bhaktivedanta swami for his great endeavour in preaching religious activities which I come to learn by your kindness. In your letter you have asked for some time to see us but there is no such opportunity to meet you. The authorities of the Washington University does not encourage anyone's religious activities and it is well known that there is specific stricture.
yours faithfully
George E. Taylor - Director
Dear Mr. Taylor,
While thanking you for your letter dated 20th September, 1968 I beg to inform you that our spiritual master Om Visnupada Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja is not preaching a type of faith which you have described as yasya kasyapi dharmasya protsahanam. He is preaching svarupa dharma. He is preaching the svarupa dharma of all living entities. As a great Sanskrt scholar you must have come across the following famous Sanskrt passages like sa vai pumsam paro dharmo yato bhaktir adhoksaje, dharman tu saksat bhagavat pranitam dharmena hina pasubhih samanah [SB 1.2.6]. We practice and preach svabhava dharma but not that dharma which is taken as a matter of faith. The svabhava dharma of every living creature is to become a servant. Even a great scholar like yourself is also a servant of Washingtondesiya rajya. Similarly everyone is servant of somebody superior. This servitorship is constitutional position of all living beings. But in conditional state everyone is serving his senses. This is called virupa dharma. The svarupa dharma is to serve the master of the senses namely hrsikesha. This hrsikesha servitorship is liberation of the conditioned soul. Without this, namely hrsikena hrsikesha sevanam bhaktir ucyate. Harav abhaktasya kuto mahat gunah manorathena asato dhavato vahih, a man is pasubhisamanah. According to Asian sanskrt scholars vidya bhagavatabadhi. I wish therefore to request you to introduce in your department of Asian language and literature the study of Srimad Bhagavatam, the summit of Sanskrt literature as accepted by great Sanskrt scholars like Sridharsvami, Virraghavacharya, Jiva Gosvami, Visvanath Chakravarty and above all Lord Chaitanya who was known as Nimai Pandit the greatest sanskrit scholar in the 15th century. As you are teacher in a great visvavidyalaya you may introduce the study of Srimad Bhagavatam in your department because it is said in the Bhagavatam koumara acaret prajno dharman bhagavataniha durlabham manusam janma tadapyadhruvamarthadam. I am sorry I cannot reply in Sanskrt because our process of study is not academic but by sruti.
yours sincerely,

Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/20_september/september/01/1968/upendra_dasa

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