Wednesday 1 June
Sunrise: 4/33 am. Sunsets 7/22 PM. Moonsets 3.21
Trayodasi: Today I went to immigration and Naturalization Office. They gave me one extention up to 17th September 1966. i.e. July, August and 17 days of September 1966. I paid them $10.
Purchased lau or (?) .60
Expenditure $10.60
Mr. Goldsmith lawyer came to see me in connection with Society reg. (?) I gave him my suggestions.
In the evening there was meeting. There was gatherings of about 16 heads although Karl and Greene did not come. Bob came with some flower and Sujee. I required some flour and Krishna sent it.
There was contribution $12.00
Expenditure -$10.60
N.B. To days lecture was very interesting.

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