Tuesday May 31
Sunrise: 4/34 am. Sunsets 7/21 PM. Moonrise 2/25
Dwadasi: Today I paid Paul $2.00 for expenditure
Registration to Indian Emb..80
Bitter melon - .15
In the afternoon Mr. Robert Nelson came to see me. I requested him to become a member of the association. He agreed & paid $20.00 for the month of June 1966. This is deposited in the Bank.
I enquired for the Chatham Tower. At present it is not possible to acquire a room there. It is very much costly affair. But I have a strong desire to acquire a room there.
One letter received from the Punjab National Bank Ltd Vrindaban informing (?) the account no & balance etc.
Expenditure 2.95
Bank deposit20.00

Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/diaries/beginning/2/2/tuesday_may_31

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