Tamala Krsna: They spoke with Mr. Bangor, B. N. Bangor. He didn't know anybody. He spoke with Mr. Bajoriya. He also did not know anybody. They had not yet spoken with Mr. Jalan. Our feeling was that to bring a kaviraja, Ramanuja kaviraja, is not difficult from wherever we are, whether we're here or anywhere. There are many kavirajas. Whether we have to get a local one or whether we have to go somewhere to bring one, they can be brought. Our one consideration was... [break] Just like this morning, it's getting cold in the morning, and we felt that, for example, in this summer, during the rainy season it rained very muchmore than usual. So the climate is not completely predictable in this Kali-yuga. So it's getting very cold in the mornings. Now, if suddenly it gets much colder, to travel in the train would be very difficult, because these trains are hard. You can't keep them warm. They don't have heat in them. So we don't feel it's very safe to wait unduly. Our opinion was that so far as your health or strength goes, it's not going to increase significantly in one or two weeks. Even when you take this makara-dhvaja, it will take time to gradually get back your strength. So waiting is not so much for the purpose of gaining back strength. And the climate is working against us because it's getting colder if we wait. One of the main reasons to go that Your Divine Grace had was to get into a nice climate, fresh air, open-air atmosphere. So our feeling is that as far as a kaviraja goes, now we must find a Ramanuja kaviraja. Now, if we cannot find one in Calcutta, then our feeling is let us find one somewhere else and bring him to Mayapura. In other words, it doesn't have to be that he's living in Calcutta. Kavirajas are all over India. There is one... Who that person, Bhavananda?
Bhavananda: The head pujari at Sri Rangam temple in South India. He is coming in the family of Gopala Bhatta Gosvami. He is very friendly with our society, and Acyutananda and Yasoda-nandana Swamis, they stayed with him at his house...
Prabhupada: Hm!
Bhavananda: ...in Sri Ranganatha temple for five days he was their host.
Prabhupada: Where? Sri Rangam.
Tamala Krsna: So the man must be very... He's not so smarta. Because he will allow Westerners to live with him, he's favorable. So Smara-hari, one of the devotees here... We felt that if we do not find from Jalan or anyone a good kaviraja in Calcutta, then let us send two devotees to Sri Rangam to meet with this head pujari and get his help for finding out a proper Ramanuja kaviraja and bring him to Mayapura. And immediately let us go to Mayapura. Why should we sit here waiting here? Because actually we don't find any benefit from waiting here. The idea was to give change of climate, and what is the purpose of waiting for that to happen? Because we're not gaining anything by staying here except that the weather is becoming colder, so it becomes more and more dangerous to travel in cold weather. And as far as bringing a kaviraja goes, now we've already seen there's not going to be one in Vrndavana, so at best, we'd have to bring him from Delhi. But whether a man has to come from Delhi or come from Sri Rangam, he's going to have to come and visit and stay with us. And once the treatment begins, if we get a Delhi kaviraja, he's going to have to keep coming down here. We don't want to have to stay here for more than one or two weeks. But the treatment is going to be longer than two weeks. So then we'll be stuck here. If we depend upon a Delhi kaviraja we'll be stuck here. Best thing is someone from Calcutta, because then they can come frequently to Mayapura. But in the event that we cannot get someone from Calcutta, then we should take the help of one kaviraja from South India. And your dream was that it was a Ramanuja kaviraja who was preparing the medicine. I think that after it's prepared he may administer the medicine for some time, but afterwards we can find another kaviraja. If he has to return to South, then another kaviraja may continue the treatment.
Prabhupada: There is no treatment.
Tamala Krsna: Simply giving. The preparation is the main thing. So therefore let him come and prepare it in our presence. Do you feel that he should come and prepare it in your presence? You want to see him? Or can it be prepared in South and brought by the devotees?
Prabhupada: No, I have no... If he is reliable.
Tamala Krsna: Well, I think if we take the help of this head priest it will be reliable. They can do it right in his presence. Smara-hari is also very good. He does all of the purchasing for Yasoda-nandana Maharaja, of whatever they purchase for Deities, whatever they purchase for ceremonies, for Fiji. This Smara-hari does all purchasing, and he also purchases medicines. He's been in India six years now, and he's known to that head priest. So if he can purchase, then he can bring it.
Prabhupada: Prepare, an experienced...
Tamala Krsna: Well, we were thinking that some other devotee should go with him. Actually we were thinking about Bhakti-caru Maharaja, the reason being that Bhakti-caru Maharaja, being an Indian devotee, that's also one advantage that there should be one Western devotee, one Indian devotee, just in case he has to speak Hindi or something. And besides that, Bhakti-caru Maharaja has got experience with you with all of these different kavirajas. So he'll be able to see a little bit whether the kaviraja is... You know. There should be some discretion on our part also. He knows the history. He knows your history, so he can explain it properly to the kaviraja.
Prabhupada: No, there is no explanation. He must be sincere, the kaviraja, and must know how to do it. That's all.
Tamala Krsna: On one hand, we didn't want to take Bhakti-caru Maharaja away from you, because he's serving properly, and this is the best thing. I can see that you also don't want that. So then we can find... It's good if one Indian devotee goes with Smara-hari. But there are others that we can find. No, we can find someone. That's not... You don't have to tax yourself for that, Srila Prabhupada. But this is our idea, that why we should wait here? The longer we wait, the colder the weather becomes. And what advantage do we gain by waiting here? There's no advantage gained. You could say "Well, because if we wait here and I get the medicine immediately, and I start to take the medicine, then I will become stronger." But our feeling is that strength will take time. So just by waiting for two weeks, the strength will not increase so significantly to make traveling less risky. Traveling is risky if we are not careful. If we take great care, then traveling will not be risky.
Prabhupada: So by plane or train?
Prabhupada: Why?
Tamala Krsna: Because... There's a number of reasons. First of all, there's no Jumbo jets, and they're Indian Airlines planes. They're Indian Airlines smaller planes. They're jets, but they're not the big jet. The flying...
Prabhupada: No, nowadays that bus...
Tamala Krsna: Well, even if it hasn't, it's a useless plane because the seats on the Airbus are as small as any seats anywhere else. There's no advantage to them.
Prabhupada: But it will take only two hours.
Tamala Krsna: Yes, but then again the plane flight, you know, whether you'll be able to be comfortable. Two hours of discomfort may be worse than seventeen hours of semi-comfort. That has to be considered. Train means you lay down, you know, and you'll have a big compartment. Plane... Look how difficult it is for you to sit up for even a half hour. I have not hardly seen you sit up for a half hour. I mean these airlines, Indian Airlines planes, for all you know, the seat thing won't go up, the handle? Hm?
Bhavananda: No, they go up. They don't always, though.
Bhakti-caru: No, no, 727. I'm sorry 707. Not 727. Airbus has stopped now. Instead of that, they are starting 707.
Prabhupada: Eh?
Hari-sauri: The Airbus was stopped because they couldn't get enough passengers to make it economical. So they took them out of service.
Tamala Krsna: I mean there are other points also. Whether they'll have a wheelchair that can be wheeled through an aisle in an airplane? See, on the train we can carry you quite easily. Plane traveling just becomes a very... It's a sophisticated situation. And I don't want to take you in a stretcher in a plane. I don't like that idea. I don't think it's nice in any way, you know. It's all right if we take you in a wheelchair, and then you can sit down and lay down in the seat. That's no problem. But how to get through the aisle? You remember when we went to London you had to walk. They say they have... Foreign airlines say... I remember they used to say they had some wheelchairs.
Upendra: It's not exactly a wheelchair. It's a little tiny seat that they strap down.
Tamala Krsna: Yeah. Who knows that they'll have it? What's the guarantee? He can't walk. You want to go by plane? Because it's two hours? That's a big advantage. (Prabhupada coughing) Do you want a little misri-jala, Srila Prabhupada?
Prabhupada: So that bus, they have stopped?
Tamala Krsna: Yes. But that bus is no big... There's no benefit particularly of that Airbus. I mean there's no real benefit. It's not any better than a 707 or 727. It's bigger inside, but the seats are not bigger. It doesn't really affect you. The seats are just as close together as on any other plane.
Prabhupada: (Bengali)
Prabhupada: (Bengali)
Tamala Krsna: Train or plane. But first we should agree on the idea, though. I think the point of that there's no real advantage to waiting here... Our feeling is that there's more advantage to being in Mayapura at this time. We can certainly go by plane. I think we can arrange some small wheelchair that will go up to the seat. It's possible to arrange.
Brahmananda: Seat right at the door.
Tamala Krsna: What we'll do is we'll purchase two extra seats so that Prabhupada can have three seats.
Brahmananda: And right by the door so they can just bring it in the door and... Take the seats right on the door.
Hamsaduta: Whatever they do when they have to transport someone in emergency... They must have an arrangement.
Tamala Krsna: Yeah, they do. They take the seats out and put your stretcher on. But we don't want that. There's no question of that.
Prabhupada: It goes direct?
Prabhupada: Then arrange for that.
Prabhupada: Ah, ah.
Hamsaduta: You should ask Prabhupada about the stretcher. It may be necessary.
Tamala Krsna: He knows that it can be done. I've seen people laying out in stretchers. It's disgusting. It's disgusting. People come by and you're laying right on the ground.
Hamsaduta: Oh, on the ground?
Tamala Krsna: Oh, yeah. And they walk right by you, and their feet are right next to your head. It's most dishonorable and disrespectful. You feel... You feel every bit of being a patient.
Hamsaduta: Don't they have private planes?
Tamala Krsna: No, Prabhupada doesn't want. (talking in background amongst devotees) I already suggested that in London to Prabhupada, and he wouldn't do it. I mean it's very difficult to arrange these things in India, private plane, you know, without a lot of advance, like twenty thousand, thirty thousand rupees.
Hari-sauri: Private plane? Yes, and then it would have to be a propeller plane, too. They're hellish. Phew! We traveled on those to Chandigarh.
Prabhupada: Hm?
Brahmananda: Then directly from Dum Dum to Mayapura?
Tamala Krsna: Yes. Then we go direct from Dum Dum to Mayapura. We don't even have to go into Calcutta. Is that all right? So do you agree, Srila Prabhupada, with the idea then, that the sooner we transfer there, the better, to Mayapura? As far as the kaviraja goes, let us see if we get a local man from Calcutta, failing which, Smara-hari plus one other devotee will go to Sri Rangam, and from a very reliable kaviraja, in their presence, they will have it made. Smara-hari, you see, is from Gurukrpa and Yasoda-nandana's party, so he has got experience sitting and watching people making the silver onto the throne. He knows how to sit and watch not to get cheated.
Prabhupada: No, the thing is the man who would prepare, he must be experienced. That is wanted. And sincere. Then it will work, either you prepare there or here. When our men...? (devotees talk among themselves softly about who should go to Sri Rangam)
Prabhupada: Hm?
Tamala Krsna: Oh, in the meantime, some treatment should be there. In the meantime, before you get this makara-dhvaja, some treatment should be there.
Prabhupada: What treatment?
Tamala Krsna: Well, we were thinking that this Vanamali Prabhu, he has made this medicine. So why not find out what is this medicine from him and you can take that in the meantime. He's made this medicine, Vanamali.
Prabhupada: What is the benefit?
Tamala Krsna: Well, according to him, this is makara-dhvaja. I mean, I don't discount that this may be Makara-dhvaja. I am not rejecting it simply on the word of that Ramanuji kaviraja who was here. Otherwise, then we simply wait for the makara-dhvaja.
Prabhupada: That we'll do.
Prabhupada: Wait for the husband.
Prabhupada: So, take three seats in plane. That will be nice. And the best of the plane, 7-7 or who?
Prabhupada: No...
Prabhupada: Then take that.
Prabhupada: Front seat.
Prabhupada: Then go.
Tamala Krsna: Let us arrange for you to go immediately. Srila Prabhupada, I was thinking I should send your son a telegram, your former son, Vrindavan, a telegram not to come here. Pisima's son has sent a telegram telling him to come. I think I'll telegram him that "We are coming there. Don't come to Vrndavana," because what's the use of his wasting time coming here? He can come to Mayapura to see you?
Prabhupada: Yes.
Prabhupada: No, no, he sees or not sees, does not matter.
Tamala Krsna: So should I send... I mean right now, there's any need to inform him not to come here?
Prabhupada: No need.
Prabhupada: No, he's traveling. His secretary... The news?
Prabhupada: Tell.
Prabhupada: My sister is going back?
Prabhupada: When?
Bhakti-caru: When we first planned that we'll go by train, then she wanted to come in the same train actually. But now I think that many of our devotees will be going by train, so she can go with them on the train.
Prabhupada: That's all right. She will (indistinct).
Tamala Krsna: Okay. So if we have... If M. L. Jalan also says he has no one, then we're sending someone immediately from here. Otherwise, if Mr. Jalan says that there is someone...
Prabhupada: Jalan, they have got a charitable...
Tamala Krsna: Yeah. A dispensary. Of course, we don't know if it's Ayurvedic dispensary. It might be allopathic.
Prabhupada: No, Ayurvedic.
Prabhupada: They have got a...
Tamala Krsna: Then one thing we'll do, Srila Prabhupada... The easiest thing is: let us go to Mayapura. Smara-hari was coming anyway, so let him come to Mayapura also. If we don't get anyone from Calcutta within a day or two... If we don't get anyone... (whispering in background) If we don't get anyone from Calcutta, Srila Prabhupada? If we don't get any kaviraja from Calcutta side, then we'll send Smara-hari.
Prabhupada: By Jalan's recommendation.
Tamala Krsna: Yes. Then we'll send Smara-hari, and Sarva-bhavana can go. You know Sarva-bhavana, Bhakti-caru's friend? Remember that Bengali devotee? He can go with Smara-hari directly and get someone. I think we'll get someone from Calcutta. It is better if we get Calcutta. It'll be easier. But if we don't, then we'll immediately send someone to South. It will only be a matter of a few days. They can be back. Is it all right?
Prabhupada: Under somebody's recommendation. Just like Jalan people.
Tamala Krsna: Well, the recommendation would be done by that head priest of the temple of Sri Rangam. That's where they would go. They wouldn't just go to look up somebody. They would get the... They would have the...
Prabhupada: That will be vacant.(?) (very nice?)
Tamala Krsna: Better than Jalan. So then let us send him directly from here, Smara-hari, immediately. He can leave today. Is that all right?
Prabhupada: Hm.
Tamala Krsna: And we proceed to Mayapura, and Smara-hari can come back with the medicine to Mayapura. All right? So we'll make this plan. So then we'll make the arrangements just now, Srila Prabhupada? All right.
Prabhupada: By plane. Huh?
Prabhupada: So all GBC left?
Prabhupada: So that committee formed?
Prabhupada: Charity...
Prabhupada: First of all make it formal.
Tamala Krsna: Yes, that can be done. So, Srila Prabhupada, here is Smara-hari, and he's going to be leaving today for South India. We've given him the instructions, and he's the proper person. He knows that chief priest in Sri Rangam temple, and first thing is he's going to find out what are the ingredients of this makara-dhvaja. Then he's going to purchase the ingredients himself, and then he's going to go to the kaviraja and give it to the Ramanuja kaviraja and have him make it right in front of him. He will supply the ingredients so that he knows the ingredients are bona fide, first class. And he'll see that they make it in front of him.
Prabhupada: According to the direction of the Ramanuja...
Tamala Krsna: Well, he'll have the Ramanuja man make it. First he'll ask, "What are the ingredients?" Then he'll go and get those ingredients, and he'll bring it to the Ramanuja man. And the Ramanuja man will make it.
Prabhupada: The man must be sincere and experienced.
Tamala Krsna: Then, after that, he'll come directly to Mayapura. The whole thinghow long will it take? About two days to get there? A day or two... Maybe within a week's time he'll be in Mayapura, Srila Prabhupada, if they make it quickly.
Prabhupada: It will take time, as he said.
Tamala Krsna: (aside:) Paper... My pad is in... That man said it would take time. A week. Of course, we don't know if that's a fact or not. But it'll take about a week's time if it only takes a day or two. If it takes a week, then it may take a total of two weeks time until he reaches Mayapura. When Gopala and Satadhanya were in Delhi, they went to see one man who was a very important Marwari kaviraja. They asked him about the ingredients of makara-dhvaja.
Brahmananda: They asked that question about what medicine the poor man would take.
Tamala Krsna: What medicine the poor man would take. So he said, "Poor man or rich man, it doesn't matter. The price of it is about forty-eight rupees per tola, because the gold that is given, it's given back at the end." It's just passed through, the gold. It's not utilized itself. So forty-eight rupees a tola. This is what he said, very big Marwari kaviraja.
Prabhupada: Yes, that I have heard.
Tamala Krsna: So this Ramanuji kaviraja was charging five hundred rupees a tola. And Vanamali, when we gave him gold, he never returned any gold. So... This is the position, cheaters.
Prabhupada: Vanamali was also.
Tamala Krsna: Something. Anyway, before we leave I'm going to speak with Bhagatji. Bhagatji is the one who gave the gold and pearls to Vanamali. So I think Bhagatji will be able to recover it. We'll leave this medicine with Bhagatji, and he can give the medicine to Vanamali and take the money. So Smara-hari will be leaving today, just now. And we've already spoken with Delhi, and they're already going to purchase the airline tickets. Either we will leave Wednesday... Today is Monday. Either we will leave Wednesday or we will leave Friday. We're not going to travel on Thursday. And they've already informed Calcutta and Mayapura.
Prabhupada: Who will go with me?
Tamala Krsna: Your Divine Grace, Bhavananda Maharaja, myself, Bhakti-caru Maharaja, Satadhanya Maharaja, Upendra Prabhu, Svarupa Damodara, Bharadvaja. That'll be on the plane. Then in the train, Pradyumna, Arundhati, some other devotees also. So eight of us will be going on the plane with you, seven plus Your Divine Grace, and you will have three seats. Altogether, we're purchasing ten seats. So I don't think there will be any difficulty. We're going in full team. Scientist is with us. In case of any special knowledge, Svarupa Damodara will be there. Bhavananda with his gun. (laughter) Full team. I think it will be a nice journey, Srila Prabhupada.
Prabhupada: I hope.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Prabhupada: Light? [break]
Tamala Krsna: "...miserable condition. Without your mercy there is no possibility of escaping the degrading influence of this Kali-yuga. Most merciful lord and master of the devotees, we have no shelter other than your lotus feet. By Krsna's grace the most wonderful Janmastami celebration was held at the Cato Ridge farm asrama in South Africa. The celebration included the opening of a new temple and prasadam facility." He sent a lot of pictures, Srila Prabhupada. Amazing pictures.
Prabhupada: Hm?
Tamala Krsna: This Tulasi dasa has sent different things. Here's a news clipping from the Leader. It's a newspaper. It says, "Hare Krsna festivity. All roads lead to the Hare Krsna farm asrama at Cato Ridge last Sunday where thousands of well-wishers and devotees celebrated Krsna Janmastami. His Holiness Sriman Jayatirtha dasa Prabhu came out especially from the United States for the occasion and to officiate at the opening of the new temple of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness." One picture shows the devotees... It says, "Members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness and followers of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada lead the crowd in the singing of Hare Krsna kirtana. In the foreground is the havana-kunda on which the sacrificial prayer was performed prior to the opening of the new temple. A view of the large gathering...," it shows thousands of people, Srila Prabhupada, "...at the Hare Krsna farm asrama at Cato Ridge at the weekend when the new temple was officially opened. The function was held in conjunction with Lord Krsna's birth anniversary celebrations." Here's the temple. "Head of the group, Tulasi dasa, seen with other devotees in front of their new temple." It's a very beautiful temple with pillars and arches. I don't know how they built it so soon. (laughs) It's a big temple they built there. It says, "The International Society for Krishna Consciousness, more widely known as the Hare Krsna movement, opened its temple to coincide with the celebration of the birth of Lord Krsna. This birthday celebration..." [break] Here's another article, pictures of devotees opening the temple. Another article. "Sriman Jayatirtha dasa Prabhu, one of the top officials..."
Prabhupada: Still, they criticize us. Hm? Affirmations(?) good character, good health...
Tamala Krsna: Another article says, "Procession draws hundreds. The hundreds lined the streets of Durban on Sunday to watch young and old Hindus taking part in the colorful procession which was held as part of Lord Krsna's birthday celebration." It tells all about a celebration in the city of Durban organized by our society.
Prabhupada: It will be good for propaganda.
Tamala Krsna: "Krsna-astami. Lord Krsna's celebration." Full center page. "A voyage of discovery." "A Christian tribute to Krsna consciousness." There's a picture of Your Divine Grace here. It's an article reprinted from Back to Godhead. It says, "All material in this special feature taken from Back to Godhead, the official magazine of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness." This is all... It seems like what they have done... The same thing they did in Fiji, they have done there in South Africa. Because many of the articles... This is a whole..., also all about our society. All of these pages. "Hare Krsna puzzle is unraveled." "Jagannatha car festival is one of the oldest in history." Then it tells about the program, how to get to the farm. Then he sent photographs. It's a very beautiful temple, Srila Prabhupada. I don't know if you can see it. This is the temple. You see the white structure here? You can see it has arched domes? Not domes but arches.
Prabhupada: Very good.
Prabhupada: They have got a new barrack... Festival.
Prabhupada: Very good news. Now can see. This material body may remain or not remain. This movement will push on.(?) That is wanted. Where is such thing throughout the whole world? Hm?
Tamala Krsna: There aren't, except in our temples. He says, "By Krsna's grace the most wonderful Janmastami celebration was held at the big farm asrama in South Africa. The celebration included the opening of a new temple and prasadam facility, two new life membership cottages and three overnight guest rooms, initiation of four new devotees and two brahmana initiations, a play, a massive prasadam distribution, go-puja, a transcendental treasure hunt for the children, ecstatic chanting by all, and distribution of books, records, posters and tapes. We enclose pictures of the various events, as well as newspaper articles. The newspapers were all one-hundred-percent favorable, and one even had a four-page article on ISKCON. The Gujarati ladies from Durban and Pietermaritzburg all came early to help cook puris and halava. They cooked about one quarter ton of halava (Prabhupada chuckles) and over eight thousand puris, all of which were distributed. At least fifteen thousand people attended the two-day festival, and all of the most important big Indian businessmen and millionaires attended. Two days before the event, a large marquee, able to hold twenty-five hundred people, was erected, and the initiations and the play were held inside. The play especially was most successful, as the top Indian stage and lighting men in South Africa were giving us technical assistance. It was so nice that even some of the ladies were in tears during the performance. The go-puja was also a massively popular event, as none of the local people had ever seen such a thing before. In fact, many people came up to the devotees and were saying things like, 'We left India thirty years ago, and I never saw anything like this before.' So far, the Indian community..." [break]
Bhavananda: And the other one is that Adi-kesava Maharaja, he has a friend in Delhi named Chandi Das. He's a big yogi, I think?
Bhavananda: He has quite a bit of money. And so Adi-kesava called him up, and he had a kaviraja in the Ramanuja-sampradaya. And Chandi Das went to see his kaviraja, and his kaviraja had just gotten finished mixing makara-dhvaja medicine. He'd been preparing it for the past ten days. And Satadhanya Maharaja and Adi-kesava were just now going over to see this kaviraja. That Chandi Das has purchased seven tolas of the medicine for Your Divine Grace as a gift. They are going over to pick it up.
Prabhupada: (laughs) Just see. Krsna arranges. Just see.
Trivikrama: Krsna's so kind.
Prabhupada: Very good. No, I saw somebody, Ramanuja-sampradaya. He is preparing for me. This is all Krsna's plan. It is being prepared in Delhi, and He is giving information and doing. So very good news.
Prabhupada: Chanting is our life.
Prabhupada: I have got it already.
Bhavananda: And that kaviraja in Delhi said that no, the gold is absorbed in the medicine.
Tamala Krsna: These events are all like a dramatical play, Srila Prabhupada, great drama. It's simply like reading the Caitanya-caritamrta.
Tamala Krsna: Yes. So now you will get both things, the makara-dhvaja and Mayapura. Krsna was showing you while he was making it, Srila Prabhupada. Prabhupada was watching him make it. Krsna gave him the vision to see.
Prabhupada: No, Krsna, God. He gave me information.
Trivikrama: Just like Sanjaya.
Tamala Krsna: These activities are all as wonderful, Srila Prabhupada, as the books you have written. We are seeing that you are one of those personalities, as great as the personalities you've written about.
Prabhupada: So dose, everything, take detail.
Bhavananda: Yes. They're going to get all of that tonight.
Prabhupada: Then hold some festival in Delhi. Invite all the men who...
Prabhupada: Spend some money.
Prabhupada: Hm! [break]
Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/conversations/1977/oct/vrndavana/october/24/1977 Previous: Room Conversation -- October 22, 1977, Vrndavana Next: Room Conversation -- October 25, 1977, Vrndavana