Bhavananda: Dosage on this medicine, do you know?
Bhavananda: I thought he had said once a week.
Bhavananda: We can speak to him, Srila Prabhupada. Not sure of what the dosage is. We can speak to him. [break]
Dr. Gopal: (Bengali) ...however, it will not interfere with my medicine. You understand?
Bhavananda: Yes.
Dr. Gopal: It will not interfere with my medicine.
Guest (1): We have prepared some golden and pearl and musk.
Dr. Gopal: Oh, moti-drsti.(?) Oh, that he can have.
Bhavananda: That was this.
Dr. Gopal: Moti-drsti gold and pearls are there.
Dr. Gopal: I don't know about that. But we can ask Bedaji(?) what is the dose and which one is better, whether moti-drsti or this. (Bengali) I don't know about this.
Bhavananda: We can find out. And that can be given. It won't interfere with your treatment at all.
Dr. Gopal: No.
Dr. Gopal: Anything more?
Dr. Gopal: Yes, of course, I am Vaisnava, but not by initiation.
Dr. Gopal: I don't know myself, because I know only this much, that I am a man and a Hindu, that's all, baniya by caste, by born in their family. Profession, my serve you.
Dr. Gopal: No, my father migrated from this place to district Agra, Siroabad(?), in 1945.
Dr. Gopal: Before that, I was hardly two years old.
Dr. Gopal: No. They're always from this UP.
Bhavananda: ...in Vrndavana. That perhaps he could stop there and just inquire whether they had any kaviraja there, because that's Ramanuja-sampradaya. Shall he do that? [break]
Prabhupada: Eh? What is that? No. This doctor's treatment is failure.
Prabhupada: Now... Where is Bhakti?
Bhavananda: Bhakti-caru is just waiting to go and get the kaviraja in the front. Do you want me to bring him?
Prabhupada: Call him.
Bhavananda: He's up in the aradesko.(?)
Prabhupada: They will simply guess.
Bhavananda: On and on.
Bhavananda: Take that medicine and leave everything to Krsna.
Bhavananda: Yes. We felt that your dream, Srila Prabhupada, was very significant.
Prabhupada: Doctor treatment is finished. Don't try any... They will simply guess and make huge complication.
Bhavananda: We're not sure that that was the result of the medicine or the result of liquid intake.
Tamala Krsna: The urine has been clear for five months in a row, so when it got unclear for three days and Prabhupada wasn't drinking anything, then as soon as he drank it became clear. So I can't conclude that it was the doctor.
Prabhupada: What he has said? Hm?
Bhavananda: Well, he was stumped as to why you had no appetite, and he said that possibly because you are taking less air in your left lung than in your right lung, there may be some infection in the lunghe said that generally is denoted also by lack of appetiteof some tubercular or pleurisy or pneumatic nature.
Svarupa Damodara: So he's prescribing that antituberculin drug called Isotoxin. That's also called Isonayazid.(?) That is anti-tuberculin drug that he's prescribing.
Bhavananda: He didn't prescribe any medicine.
Adi-kesava: That is a very, very strong drug, very, very strong. It has a very heavy effect.
Svarupa Damodara: Isotoxin is also called Isonayazid.(?) It's the chemical name. I know that, I discussed with...
Prabhupada: Then he'll say, "Remove to the hospital."
Bhavananda: Then they'll say move to the hospital.
Prabhupada: Then who will take care of me? Hm?
Bhavananda: We will never allow them to remove you to a hospital, Srila Prabhupada.
Prabhupada: You'll have to, gradually, according to his advice.
Bhavananda: Therefore we asked you yesterday for your guidance.
Prabhupada: No, I'll guide. Don't move me to the hospital. Better kill me here.
Bhavananda: Never.
Prabhupada: But if you are disgusted, that is another thing.
Svarupa Damodara: One thing, though, if we take the x-rays, that will pretty much clearly tell whether there is any tubercular infection in the lungs.
Prabhupada: They are expecting.
Bhavananda: If we are disgusted?
Prabhupada: Yes?
Bhavananda: No.
Bhavananda: Service at your divine lotus feet is the perfection of life. Our only fear is that Your Divine Grace may become disgusted.
Prabhupada: No, I have no dis... Doctor treatment failure.
Bhavananda: Doctor treatment is finished.
Svarupa Damodara: Taking these strong medicines without eating is very difficult. Many side effects.
Bhavananda: Yes. Anyway, we gave him chance. Your Divine Grace gave him a fair chance to...
Tamala Krsna: Actually the whole thing only began because Dr. Ghosh came. Actually you didn't want Dr. Ghosh to come, but it was too late. We had already sent Lokanatha. So once Dr. Ghosh came, we were obligated to try these allopathic medicines. It was Dr. Ghosh who brought Dr. Gopal. Otherwise, from your own choice, we would not have, you know... We were obligated because of Dr. Ghosh's coming. Naturally... He came so long, such a distance. From the beginning you always don't like the allopathic. You never like it very much.
Prabhupada: I'll treat myself. Let the kavirajas come. And makara-dhvaja... One after another, they will make the things complicated. What is your opinion? Hm?
Bhavananda: We all feel, Srila Prabhupada, that your direction is absolutely perfect. It is coming directly from the spiritual platform. Therefore anything which you tell us to do, we want to do, and we have full faith and confidence that it is absolutely correct. But we don't have full faith and confidence in people who are materially conditioned. Therefore we have taken you as our spiritual master. You have perfect knowledge of everything spiritual and you have perfect knowledge of everything material.
Prabhupada: So, all of you agree to this?
Bhavananda: Do we all agree?
Devotees: Yes, Srila Prabhupada.
Prabhupada: Then I will give direction. Simply I want to know about the makara-dhvaja, consulting both the kavirajas. (pause) Why you stop kirtana?
Prabhupada: Mildly kirtana.
Prabhupada: Mild kirtana, tell him.
Prabhupada: Where is Hamsaduta?
Prabhupada: Bharadvaja or...
Bhavananda: Bharadvaja.
Prabhupada: Eh? They are avoiding?
Prabhupada: They are avoiding me.
Prabhupada: Hm?
Brahmananda: Who is that?
Pradyumna: Hamsaduta was here at lunchtime.
Upendra: Bharadvaja came also. He was here most of the morning.
Brahmananda: You were resting at that time.
Satadhanya: And he said that as soon as you wake up, then he will come.
Prabhupada: Then?
Prabhupada: If you move me from here, I will immediately die. I cannot live.
Prabhupada: I cannot live without your company.
Tamala Krsna: And we cannot live without your company, Srila Prabhupada. So you stay here, and we'll stay with you.
Prabhupada: Do that.
Prabhupada: Do that. Take this, this allopathic treatment, failure.
Tamala Krsna: Srila Prabhupada, would you be interested in hearing any of the Bhagavatam that they have edited? I thought that would be nice.
Upendra: I'd like to give Prabhupada a bath.
Prabhupada: Yes. That will be nice. You sit down, all, and let us try.
Bhavananda: Srila Prabhupada, Upendra wants to know if he can give you a bath.
Prabhupada: I have no objection.
Prabhupada: Hm.
Prabhupada: And stop all medicine. (laughter)
Svarupa Damodara: The trouble with the allopathic medicine is that they have so much side effects that it might make very uncomfortable to...
Prabhupada: This is already uncomfortable.
Bhavananda: I think that this doctor's desire you have seen through. His desire was to remove you from here somehow or other. First to remove you for an x-ray, then...
Tamala Krsna: Another trick they have is that you have one trouble, so they give you a medicine, but the medicine causes a worse trouble. And eventually such bad trouble is created that they get you depending on them, and then they say, "Now the only thing left, you must come to the hospital for operation." Then they kill you.
Tamala Krsna: He was asking us, "Does your Guruji have any...? Will he take an injection?" So we said, "No." He was hopeless. He was guessing.
Prabhupada: They do not know. They use machine. Their means of knowing-machine. They do not know.
Svarupa Damodara: I have many medical friends. They frankly admit that oftentimes they kill the patients in the name of treating. It comes out that it was their own medicine that they gave.
Prabhupada: Yes. Recently that Dalmia secretary... What is his name?
Prabhupada: In pathology his prescription was replaced by another.
Upendra: Prescription was replaced by another.
Prabhupada: He had some trouble. So, what is called? Pathology?
Prabhupada: No, laboratory testing?
Bhavananda: Yes.
Prabhupada: So his case was transferred to another.
Bhavananda: Mixed up.
Tamala Krsna: Mixed up. His diagnosis was given to someone else. They made a mistake, and then they treated the other person.
Prabhupada: And he was being treated as tuberculosis.
Adi-kesava: Sometimes they make the operations, and they leave the knife in, and they sew the knife up inside after they make an operation. Or the scissors. They take some clamps and they sew them inside the wound. And then the man says, "Oh, I have a pain in my side." And they say, "Oh, new disease," and they make another operation and take out the clamps or the knife.
Svarupa Damodara: Sometimes they only depend on machines, these medical doctors. That's why he's mentioning about x-ray. Through these machines you cannot tell the correct diagnosis.
Prabhupada: I have got many experiences in my family life. One servant, Kashiram.
Prabhupada: Yes his name was Kashiram. So he was howling, howling. So we took him to the hospital, and so many student doctors surrounded. They diagnosed something, strangulation or something like that.
Prabhupada: Yes. Then they were prepared to surgical operation. Then another experienced doctor came. He said, "Let us wait today." So he was kept in the hospital, and we came back. That Kashiram... Another friend, servant of the neighborhood, and so he said, "Babaji, he has drunk this."
Prabhupada: So I said, "Don't delay. So many doctors..." And next morning he came back and said, "The doctor said, 'You are all right, you can go.' "
Svarupa Damodara: I had a similar story. It is my own personal experience. In 1974 I came here in India. I got malaria in the United States in summer 1975. Then temperature was very high. I went to the Baptist Hospital in Atlanta. They thought it was a virus, viral infection. They couldn't diagnose. Then they gave some medicine, and then I went. But it started again the following day, and I went to another doctor. He could not diagnose. So they gave me glucose injection, a big bottle, thinking it was a strange viral infection. So about six, seven doctors, they couldn't diagnose for three-four days. Then one day there was a doctor who came from Vietnam, he had some experience in tropical disease. So he thought it might be malarial fever. Then, after that, I was surrounded by many doctors thinking that it was a strange disease before, but they diagnosed... But it was not right. They did all the wrong medicine, thinking it was a viral infection.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Tamala Krsna: I told you the story of my father recently, Srila Prabhupada, how he had the arthritis in the hip, so they gave him a new hip. Then it moved to the other hip, and they replaced the other hip. So after eight weeks he was in bed in the hospital, and then they said, "Now you can try to walk." So they gave him crutches, and they stood him up, and after eight weeks of all these operations, as soon as he stood up he had a heart attack and died right on the spot. They were very sure. "Now you're all right," they told him.
Devotee: My great-uncle, he had tonsillitis, so he went to a friend who was a doctor, and the friend said, "That's all right. We'll operate, and I will not charge you anything." So he went into the hospital, and in the operation the doctor dropped a scalpel, and after thathe was very big, and he became very small, never could eat again. [break]
Prabhupada: No protection.
Bhavananda: There's no protection. [break]
Prabhupada: So? Bhagavata?
Tamala Krsna: Bhagavatam translation? I'll arrange now? [break]
Trivikrama: ...cannot do its plundering business.
Prabhupada: The sun cannot take life during the Bhagavata discussion. The more you discuss Bhagavatam, you keep your life. Who is standing here?
Tripurari: Now Bharadvaja is chanting.
Tamala Krsna: Who is standing? Dhrstadyumna Maharaja, Svarupa Damodara, Tripurari Maharaja, Nayanabhirama, Bhavananda Maharaja, Upendra, Trivikrama Maharaja, Panca-dravida Maharaja, Brahmananda Maharaja.
Prabhupada: So, you are understanding?
Devotees: Yes, Srila Prabhupada.
Trivikrama: By your mercy.
Prabhupada: Then we stop here?
Prabhupada: Yes. [break]
Bhavananda: If you'd like.
Prabhupada: Because my that quarter is more ventilated.
Bhavananda: Yes, we can do.
Prabhupada: So last days I can stay there, and when I die, just bury me in the place where you are proposing to...
Bhavananda: Your house.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Bhavananda: Yes, we can arrange.
Prabhupada: So think over the matter.
Bhavananda: Yes, I'll discuss it with Tamala, and we'll...
Prabhupada: Hm?
Prabhupada: Call him.
Bhavananda: Yes.
Prabhupada: Who is here?
Prabhupada: I am proposing to go to Mayapura.
Prabhupada: What do you think?
Prabhupada: Huh?
Upendra: Of course, Prabhupada came from London, and the doctor said he couldn't come.
Prabhupada: Huh?
Upendra: The doctor in London... You came from London, and then you came from Bombay to Vrndavana in very weak condition.
Prabhupada: So weak condition...
Svarupa Damodara: It will be little warmer in Mayapura. In Mayapura the weather will be a little warmer. Also the air is fresher in that sense.
Bhavananda: Srila Prabhupada, here is Tamala.
Prabhupada: So you think over transferring me to Mayapura.
Tamala Krsna: Well, actually it's a great pleasure to take you to different places, Srila Prabhupada, and we certainly never find any difficulty in transporting you. I was wondering that... As Vrndavana gets quite cold in the winter, I was just wondering how you would be able to pass the winter here, and I was thinking that Mayapura was a very natural place to go. Now, just now, it is very nice here in Vrndavana. Probably for two or three more weeks it's the topmost time. But shortly it will be getting cold.
Prabhupada: Why not do that?
Prabhupada: No. Mayapura is still more open.
Prabhupada: Fresh air.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Prabhupada: In November, December, January, February.
Tamala Krsna: I think you once said to us that if one sits for some time in the winter sun, he'll never get sick.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Bhavananda: Rub with oil and sit in the sun. I think it's a sound proposal.
Tamala Krsna: Yes, actually it gets very cold here in the wintertime. It wouldn't be very good to stay here when it's too cold, because we would have to keep the windows closed and then it would be too stuffy. Fresh air is very healthy. Open.
Gopala Krsna: There's a fast train from Delhi to Calcutta, just like the train you came in. We can get a... Yes. It's called Raj-dhani. It's a very fast train.
Bhavananda: And they have a sleeper on it also.
Gopala Krsna: No. Just like this train you came by. It will be air-conditioned, but have some un-air-conditioned compartments.
Tamala Krsna: Anyway, that won't be difficult to take you. It's not difficult. Any jumbos flying from Delhi?
Tamala Krsna: That's useless. There's no benefit in Airbuses. The seats are the same in Airbus. There's no first class.
Bhavananda: When you're feeling stronger, then the veranda is there for nice stroll.
Prabhupada: There is ample space.
Prabhupada: I think so.
Tamala Krsna: Yes, traveling with you is a great pleasure for us, Srila Prabhupada. It's always very exciting to travel with you.
Prabhupada: And in Mayapura, if you keep me in my quarters, and take little care, that's all. Take little care, that's all.
Prabhupada: Here in one room, always closed.
Tamala Krsna: Yeah. That's a fact. It's closed. I felt it today, especially when you were translating. It got a little stuffy. When one can move around easily, then this house is very first class. But because the rooms are such design, if one has to stay in one room, then it can get a little bit stuffy. Just like here the only opening is from one side. In Mayapura we'll get the cross ventilation.
Tamala Krsna: Perhaps there are also some good vegetables or fruits that may be in season in the winter.
Prabhupada: Yes. Vegetable boiled. Fresh vegetables. I can take little.
Prabhupada: Yes. Bindi. Yes. Whatever vegetable is grown there, so boil. I can take. What vegetable grown?
Prabhupada: Where...?
Bhavananda: That was when I left. The portal were very tender.
Bhavananda: And sim.(?)
Prabhupada: Very good.
Bhavananda: Purishak(?).
Prabhupada: Everything is there.
Bhavananda: Everything is there.
Prabhupada: Brahmananda, what does he...?
Tamala Krsna: Brahmananda, what do you think?
Brahmananda: I think it's a very good idea, Srila Prabhupada, very good program.
Prabhupada: Yes. Gauda-mandala-bhumi, jeba jane cintamani, tara hoy braja-bhumi bas. And we have got such a nice place, open place, palatial building, such finer...
Bhavananda: Everyone will be in ecstasy, especially the Gurukula boys most of all. They're always asking, "When is Srila Prabhupada coming? When he's coming? Tomorrow?"
Tamala Krsna: And I will cash those certificates when we get to Calcutta, Srila Prabhupada. Then I don't have to call for them. If we go there, then I'll do everything there. It will be very easy.
Prabhupada: So that is my proposal. Now you think over seriously and arrange for.
Prabhupada: Or I shall go there to take their dust of feet.
Tamala Krsna: Of their feet. I think this is the right plan, Srila Prabhupada, because by then, by March of April, it will be time for you... The festival will be there. And then, with hundreds and hundreds, maybe thousands of ISKCON Vaisnavas from all over the world, you will be better. And then with a great contingent we will travel around the world.
Devotees: Jaya. Haribol.
Prabhupada: So let us go in a team. (laughter)
Bhavananda: Team spirit. And you, Srila Prabhupada, are the captain.
Devotee (2): Captain of the ship.
Prabhupada: You have seen Mayapura?
Devotees: Have you seen Mayapura?
Prabhupada: So let me go. Enough place. You can have two rooms. (laughter) Yes. In new building.
Bhavananda: Yes. There is no dearth of rooms.
Tamala Krsna: Srila Prabhupada, you're so attractive that it's very hard for everyone to remain in their services around the world. They simply want to come and be with you.
Prabhupada: And as I will remain in Mayapura or Vrndavanathe same. Yes. Gauda-mandala-bhumi, jeba jane cintamani, tara hoy braja-bhumi bas. There is no difference. Gauda-mandala-bhumi. And if there is any danger, Bhavananda has got his gun. (laughterTamala Krsna repeats to otherslaughter)
Prabhupada: So I shall prefer.
Devotees: What?
Tamala Krsna: "So I shall prefer." Maybe Svarupa Damodara Prabhu can arrange some conferences for himself in Calcutta. Then he can visit you regularly in Mayapura.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Tamala Krsna: That way he can come regularly and give you report on how the science conferences are going. That will be very enlivening. (to Svarupa Damodara:) That's part of your plan.
Bhavananda: I'm already thinking, Srila Prabhupada, what preparations we have to make.
Prabhupada: Simply fresh vegetable. And mung dal also.
Bhavananda: Everything comes to life when you come to Mayapura. You are the crown jewel. Mayapura is such beautiful setting, but without Your Divine Grace's presence, we are always feeling empty-hearted. And as soon as you come, all of us are enlivened.
Prabhupada: So let us go in a team.
Bhavananda: By looking at all the devotees assembled here, Srila Prabhupada, the looks on their faces indicate that everyone likes this idea.
Prabhupada: So do it. Do it.
Prabhupada: Jaya.
Bhavananda: Jaya Srila Prabhupada.
Devotees: Jaya Srila Prabhupada. [break]
Guest: (Bengali)
Prabhupada: (Bengali) (end)
Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/conversations/1977/oct/vrndavana/october/22/1977 Previous: Room Conversation -- October 21, 1977, Vrndavana Next: Room Conversation -- October 24, 1977, Vrndavana