Room Conversation
"GBC Resolutions" March 1, 1977, Mayapura Satsvarupa: The first thing we did this morning was this resolution: Pancadravida Swami and Harikesa Swami, who were serving during the year as acting GBCs, were accepted as full GBC members. And Bali-mardana, it was decided, should continue for the next year to act in the status of an acting GBC. Then Svarupa Damodara was appointed as a GBC member on your request. Then we had an election of GBC officers. Kirtanananda Maharaja was elected the chairman, Jayatirtha was elected vice chairman, and Sats...
Prabhupada: How many GBCs are there? List of men?
Satsvarupa: Yes.
Satsvarupa: I have twenty.
Gargamuni: Yeah, twenty. I counted twenty too.
Satsvarupa: Tamala Krsna, Kirtanananda, Satsvarupa, Rupanuga, Jayatirtha, Balavanta, Gopala Krsna, Bhagavan, Jagadisa, Svarupa Damodara, Ramesvara, Bali-mardana, Pancadravida, Harikesa, Hamsaduta, Atreya Rsi, Gargamuni, Brahmananda, Hrdayananda, Gurukrpa.
Ramesvara: Did you read your name?
Satsvarupa: Yes.
Prabhupada: Twenty, yes.
Satsvarupa: So this is the election of the officers: Kirtanananda Swami, chairman; Jayatirtha, vice chairman; Satsvarupa, secretary.
Prabhupada: Kirtanananda, president, er, chairman. Eh?
Satsvarupa: Chairman. Jayatirtha, vice chairman. Satsvarupa, secretary. And then, in that regard, we passed a resolution that the position of chairman can only be held one year consecutively, every year changed, whereas vice president, secretary, may be held three years consecutively.
Prabhupada: Why? That should be also one year.
Satsvarupa: Also one year.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Prabhupada: Hm. That is the way. Amongst the same persons, one may get chance by selection, by majority vote. That is the way.
Prabhupada: Yes. The persons are the same, twenty men. Now, by this selection of the majority persons, one becomes chairman for one year. Then everyone has the chance. That is the way. So that is... So secretaries and vice chairman also should be for one year.
Satsvarupa: Then, in regard to these meetings, we passed this resolution, that... [break] ...that we pass will be brought before Your Divine Grace for approval. Then they can be posted on a bulletin board so devotees can see what they were. Then after all the days' meetings of the GBC are finished, then we'll have a meeting of the temple presidents. If, at their meeting, by a two-thirds majority vote, they suggest any amendments to the resolutions or make new resolutions, these will be sent back to the GBC, who will meet again and who will again vote...
Prabhupada: "Send back" means not now? Not now?
Satsvarupa: Yes.
Hamsaduta: Immediately.
Prabhupada: "Send back" means where?
Tamala Krsna: No, that means that today, tomorrow and the next day, the GBC will meet. Then the following morning, the morning of the fourth, the presidents will meet and they will give any changes to the GBC, and on the afternoon of the fourth the GBC will consider all changes.
Prabhupada: Decide. Decide.
Prabhupada: That's all right. Then, if the GBC does not decide by the decision of the presidents' meeting, then I shall decide?
Satsvarupa: Yes.
Prabhupada: All right. Then?
Satsvarupa: We also resolved what Tamala Krsna just said, our schedule. So that we don't meet overlong, we resolved that we should finish our meetings by the third of March. President's meeting on the morning of the fourth. The GBC final meeting on the afternoon of the fourth. Then other meetings scheduled were that in the evening of the fourth there should be a meeting of all the sannyasis, including, of course, the GBC sannyasis.
Prabhupada: No, no, what is the resolution of the sannyasi meeting?
Satsvarupa: Well, the purpose would be that everyone actually take out an assignment that he will take for the year, not that independently a sannyasi...
Prabhupada: No, sannyasis... GBC as a body, they should give direction to the sannyasis.
Satsvarupa: At a sannyasi meeting?
Prabhupada: What is the use of meeting? There are so many sannyasis in the GBC. So that is sufficient. Mostly they are sannyasis. So whatever they have decided, that should be carried by other sannyasis. What is the wrong?
Satsvarupa: No, not these resolutions.
Prabhupada: Then why the sannyasis meeting again?
Satsvarupa: For the particular service of each sannyasi, so he will say, "I want to preach in Africa" or "I want to go to the colleges." Each man write down...
Prabhupada: That is another thing. That is preference how he wants to work. That's nice.
Satsvarupa: That's the purpose of that meeting. And then we also scheduled the holding of the bhakti-sastra exam for being on Gaura Purnima, the fifth.
Prabhupada: Next.
Satsvarupa: Yes, the next day.
Prabhupada: That's good.
Satsvarupa: Then our next business was the division of the zones.
Satsvarupa: Starting with South America... South America's responsibilities would be divided between Pancadravida Swami and Hrdayananda Maharaja like this: Pancadravida would be responsible for the temples in Mexico and Central America, Guyana, Santo Domingo and Trinidad. And he will also work as required in the Los Angeles Spanish BBT office. And Hrdayananda Maharaja will retain direct responsibility for Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Chile and Ecuador, and also he was going to take on co-GBC responsibilities in Spain and Portugal, which are the same language as the books he's printing in, along with Bhagavan, in whose zone that is, Spain and Portugal in Europe, for spreading Spanish book distribution. And as for the BBT duties that Hrdayananda Maharaja has, he will have Pancadravida Maharaja assist him in that also. We passed a resolution about...
Prabhupada: What about the French printing and translation? That is stopped now?
Hrdayananda: No, it is not... It is not altogether stopped, but some members have left.
Prabhupada: Why?
Tamala Krsna: Hrdayananda Maharaja was just there in France. He just paid a visit, so he'd be... What is your report, Hrdayananda, about the French BBT?
Hrdayananda: Well, some of the important members have left.
Prabhupada: Why they have left?
Hrdayananda: Well, they were dissatisfied with Bhagavan.
Prabhupada: That should be rectified. They are important members. They are translating.
Ramesvara: How will that be rectified?
Prabhupada: What...? Why they should be dissatisfied? If the workers are dissatisfied, then who will work books?
Brahmananda: Bhagavan claims that the BBT printing is still going on, that next month a Back to Godhead is coming out and also a Srimad-Bhagavatam.
Prabhupada: No, book...
Ramesvara: Srimad-Bhagavatam within three months, in three months.
Prabhupada: So if you are satisfied that things are going on, that is different thing, but so far... What is his name? Yoges...?
Prabhupada: Yogesvara and his wife, they were doing very nice. Why they should leave?
Gargamuni: He told me that also in Bhuvanesvara, that the reason why he was leaving is because he wanted to work with his mother, who has some type of public relations job in the United States.
Brahmananda: Bhagavan claims that all these men who signed this letter, they were spiritually weak.
Prabhupada: So what you have decided? Yogesvara was doing nice in translation, his wife was doing nice. So why should we lose these important hands?
Ramesvara: He hasn't been working at the French BBT for many months. He gave that up some time ago and was working with his wife at the gurukula.
Tamala Krsna: He told me that he was frustrated. That's why he gave it up. When he was in New York he told me that had become discouraged.
Prabhupada: So if Bhagavan and he does not agree, then he should be given better place that both husband and wife, they can go on with the translation work. It is not that he has to remain under the control of Bhagavan. That is not necessary. Let him translate independently, and wherever he likes, he can remain. What do you think?
Hrdayananda: He is not so much a translator.
Ramesvara: His wife.
Prabhupada: You see, nobody is translator. We have to accept whatever is offered. Kana mama [blind uncle]. Without mama, better a blind mama. That's all. That is our policy. So to remain without mama is not very good choice. Must have a mama. Never mind he is blind. That is our policy. So now we are without mama. Who is translating now?
Hrdayananda: The main translator, the most important translator is still working with Bhagavan, so the translating is going on.
Prabhupada: Going on.
Hrdayananda: Yes. The most important translator has not gone away.
Prabhupada: Then it is... But still, they should be encouraged. Why they should...? If they do not like, that is another thing. But our translation work, printing work, cannot be stopped. That is my request.
Hrdayananda: I don't think it will stop.
Prabhupada: Then it is all right. You agree, all GBCs? All GBCs?
Ramesvara: We made a resolution that Jayatirtha would go there initially, and then, after a few months, Atreya Rsi would go there to give him some advice for his financial problems. One of the reasons that the devotees are feeling pressure is lack of money, or bad money management.
Prabhupada: No, that is a good, good idea.
Brahmananda: Also, Bhagavan would go to America and spend one month to see how things are being managed there, because he has not been there for four years.
Prabhupada: That's nice.
Kirtanananda: I'd like to say, Srila Prabhupada, that we discussed it for some time today, discussing this. And initially at least, it was the feeling of the GBC that he should change zones.
Prabhupada: So, he has agreed?
Kirtanananda: That he should go to the Midwest of the US where we could have used him very much.
Prabhupada: So this is...
Kirtanananda: But he... He was not very... He said he'd give up his zone, but he didn't want to go to the US. So then we felt that actually to take him out of his zone there... He was thinking to start something in Israel.
Prabhupada: Hm?
Kirtanananda: He said that he did not like... He'd like to start something new then. If he wasn't going to be in France, he wanted to start something new. So he said, "Well, let me go to Israel."
Ramesvara: Mid-East.
Prabhupada: Middle East.
Kirtanananda: Specially he said Israel. And if you work in Israel, you can't work anywhere else.
Hrdayananda: He wanted to work in the Mid-East.
Prabhupada: And do you think that is all right?
Kirtanananda: We felt he was too important a man to put there. So then we said, "Well, better that you stay in France if you're that determined..."
Ramesvara: "...to avoid America."
Kirtanananda: We really wanted him to come to the United States and help there.
Hrdayananda: But he was discouraged by that idea.
Kirtanananda: He said he could not get enthusiastic about that.
Prabhupada: But to remain in France, if you think it is all right, that is another thing. But you said that he requires little change, you all GBC. What...?
Hrdayananda: Yes. That was the general feeling, that it would be good for both, for him and for France.
Kirtanananda: But we did not feel that he had done anything seriously wrong that would require our forcing a change on him.
Satsvarupa: He doesn't feel he needs a change. He said, "Everyone has some trouble in their zone."
Prabhupada: Then try to rectify. Then...
Kirtanananda: We did not want to force him.
Prabhupada: That's nice.
Prabhupada: Yes. That's nice. No, we have got flaw in every... So it is better to try to rectify it. That's all.
Atreya Rsi: A new concept which came up more and more in this GBC meeting was the concept of more than one GBC secretary helping on the same subject. That is, some responsibilities have been assigned to be shared.
Prabhupada: Yes, very good.
Atreya Rsi: So with this idea, I am sure the situation can be rectified even to the point of bringing Yogesvara and his wife back.
Prabhupada: That's nice.
Prabhupada: So that's a good idea. No, Jayatirtha will be sent there.
Prabhupada: So he'll be assistant secretary?
Satsvarupa: No. What we resolved is that Bhagavan dasa would stay in his present zone: France and Italy and Sweden and Amsterdam; but that as far as Jayatirtha, he would visit Paris and New Mayapura to assist with the financial problems there, and after some time...
Prabhupada: Jayatirtha and Atreya Rsi, both.
Satsvarupa: Atreya Rsi would also go visit in June to try and help with the financial problems. And then...
Prabhupada: What is the actual financial problem?
Bhagavan: There was just a little cash flow since last Mayapura. We spent a lot of money coming here. And this year a lot of sankirtana devotees were ill.
Prabhupada: Lot of money coming here from France? How is that?
Gargamuni: On transportation. Air flight.
Tamala Krsna: One problem is that to this date they have to separate the BBT account from the temple accounts. They are not yet separate, so that...
Bhagavan: It is separate.
Devotee: No, theirs is separate now.
Prabhupada: So anyway, printing and translation must continue. That is our main business. It cannot be stopped. Must go on. Just like persisting, now we have got so many Hindi literature. (laughs) I was simply persisting, "Where is Hindi? Where is Hindi?" So it has come to some tangible form. And I was simply poking him: "Where is Hindi? Where is Hindi?" So he has brought into fact. Similarly for French language also, very important, we must translate and bring books, as many as possible. "Bring books" means we have got already book. Simply translate it in the particular language and publish it. That's all. Idea is already there. You haven't got to manufacture idea. So France is very important country. So printing and translation must go on. That is my request. Then?
Satsvarupa: Brahmananda Maharaja will retain GBC zonal responsibility of Africa and South Africa. However, he will get cooperation of Jayatirtha, who will...
Prabhupada: Occasionally.
Satsvarupa: Yes. He is already GBC of South Africa, so they will become co-GBCs of both Africa and South Africa.
Prabhupada: Very good arrangement.
Satsvarupa: As for Jayatirtha, he will keep England in his zone, but he is also going to take a zone in the United States, which he finds that he can travel to without much difficulty, which is the Mid-West of the United States, including Detroit, Chicago, Minneapolis, and a little center, Ann Arbor.
Prabhupada: So you have all agreed to. That's nice.
Satsvarupa: Harikesa Maharaja will mostly retain the same zone of Eastern European countries, Germany, Switzerland and Scandinavian countries.
Ramesvara: No. That is yet to be discussed under sankirtana techniques.
Gargamuni: The techniques?
Prabhupada: Not techniques. On the whole... He's the...
Kirtanananda: Jayatirtha gave us a report.
Jayatirtha: I gave very good reports. I had a very good experience as far as...
Prabhupada: He is, after all, new appointed, so you have to study how things are going on.
Satsvarupa: It was also decided regarding Harikesa that because of the work he's done in Russia, nothing should be done in Russia without consulting with him.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Satsvarupa: In Russia.
Prabhupada: He's in charge of Russia. So "consulting" means? We shall not go? Who will do and whom...?
Satsvarupa: Well, say someone else, Gopala Krsna or someone, wanted to go to Russia to do some preaching, they would first approach Harikesa Maharaja and say what they wanted to do, work together with him.
Prabhupada: That's nice.
Satsvarupa: Then the division of the United States.
Prabhupada: Gopala Krsna went to Russia. He did some work. How GBC appreciate that work? Do they appreciate or not?
Jayatirtha: It appears that he several nice orders and reviews from the universities there.
Prabhupada: So?
Ramesvara: It's considered a breakthrough. It's considered a great achievement...
Prabhupada: Yes, then...
Ramesvara: ...his work in Russia.
Prabhupada: Then why, if he continues like that, what is the wrong there?
Harikesa: I had a few objections which I didn't bring up as a whole.
Prabhupada: What is that objection?
Harikesa: About the security for these people in the country itself. For example, the reviews that were gotten, somehow or another, the actual names of the professors were circulated, and this can cause them absolute havoc. And the books that were distributed in East Berlin never made it to the shelves. So that means they were censored, that the people know that these books are not very good and they were suppressing it. So in Russia they know even quicker about this, that these books are not very good for them and they censor them. So when they get censored, the people who accept them are in a little bit strange position. And then if we advertise that they wrote the review in the book, then they're in a very strange position.
Gopala Krsna: I took all the books into East Berlin. When I went to East Berlin I took all the books through. Even though they were censored, I convinced them that "I'm a salesman of a book from..."
Harikesa: But they never made it on the shelves.
Gargamuni: He's Indian, so they are not so... He is an American, so there's nothing much he can do. But as an Indian, there's great friendship between Russian... They came to our stall in Calcutta and bought books. And they bought one poster of rasa-lila. So with India they are very friendly.
Harikesa: It's simply meant that there's a certain amount of prerequisite knowledge one has to know before he goes into a communist country.
Prabhupada: No, another thing is that BBT you are keeping, a separate organization. So if the BBT representative goes somewhere, so why he should be restricted?
Harikesa: Well, for example he went to visit the two devotees we have in Moscow, and a KGB man followed him up to the door and he tried to lose him. It was a whole thing. It seemed very risky for the people.
Gopala Krsna: No, the two devotee... We have one devotee, and with him I did so much preaching, so the KGB man, the Russian spy...
Prabhupada: KGB? What is that?
Gargamuni: Like CIA.
Gurukrpa: The Russian cops.
Prabhupada: That they do for everyone.
Gargamuni: When Your Divine Grace went there, Syamasundara told me, they were also following...
Prabhupada: Yes.
Gargamuni: So that is common. They do that with everybody.
Prabhupada: Regular practice.
Gopala Krsna: The Russian government sent me a New Year's card this year. I showed you that card? The Russian government sent us a New Year's card.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Prabhupada: Yes. So I... What do you think, all GBC? He should be restricted in that way?
Ramesvara: There's no harm in being cautious.
Prabhupada: Cautious we must be in every action. That is another thing, but for canvassing business, why one should be restricted?
Harikesa: There's no question of restriction.
Hamsaduta: No, it's just a matter of being cautious. That was his whole point.
Hrdayananda: It could be stated in such a way that Harikesa will simply help. It's not a question of restricting the BBT salesman, but just to help him.
Prabhupada: That is all right.
Satsvarupa: Then for the division of the United States, for myself, for being editor of Back to Godhead, I would go to Los Angeles for that, Back to Godhead, but would also supervise the Northwest US zone, which includes Berkeley, California; Seattle, Portland, Vancouver, and the Dallas temple. Ramesvara Maharaja would continue being the GBC for Los Angeles, San Diego, Laguna Beach, and Denver. Balavanta Prabhu would keep his same zoneAtlanta; the Tennessee farm; Gainesville and Miami, Florida; New Orleans and the Mississippi farm; and Houston, Texas. Rupanuga would also keep his same zoneWashington, D.C.; Baltimore; Philadelphia; St. Louis; the St. Louis farm; Ottawa; and Montreal, Canada. Kirtanananda would keep his same zoneNew Vrindaban, Buffalo, Toronto, Pittsburgh and Cleveland. Tamala Krsna Maharaja was accepted as your permanent secretary, and therefore, for the vacancy created in his absence in New York, Pennsylvania farm, Boston, Puerto Rico...
Satsvarupa: ...and the Radha-Damodara party, it was decided that he should keep the responsibility of being the GBC for that area. However, Adi-kesava Maharaja will act as special assistant to the GBC and take the on-the-spot responsibility.
Prabhupada: That means he'll be trained up in his place. Is it not?
Prabhupada: That's nice.
Satsvarupa: And also Tamala Krsna Maharaja will retain responsibility for Red China, whatever can be done there.
Prabhupada: That's very good. (laughter) I asked him to do this last year. Very good.
Satsvarupa: India was broadly divided, the same as it is now, of Gopala Krsna to do the north and west, Gargamuni Maharaja to do the east-Calcutta, Mayapura. And in that connection we resolved that Satadhanya Maharaja should take responsibility for being president of Calcutta and Panihati.
Prabhupada: Why two?
Gargamuni: Panihati is very near to...
Prabhupada: No, no, Panihati he can take, but why Calcutta?
Gargamuni: Because for maintenance sake, Panihati and Calcutta is the same place for collecting funds.
Prabhupada: Why?
Gargamuni: It's a factory area...
Prabhupada: No, no, and our Abhirama is doing in Calcutta.
Gargamuni: Well, actually he doesn't stay in Calcutta, and the...
Ramesvara: We were informed that he does not want to remain as president.
Prabhupada: So that will be decided in the president's meeting?
Ramesvara: Better make a note, Satsvarupa.
Hrdayananda: It was stated that most of the time he is not in Calcutta, and that the main purpose of Calcutta is to make life members, but this year he has not made a single life member.
Gargamuni: He's generally engaged in export of the cloth of Mayapura and business work, which actually he's more suitable for, whereas Satadhanya...
Prabhupada: So you have all agreed?
Prabhupada: That's all right. If you have agreed, I have no objection.
Ramesvara: We didn't discuss it with him, though, to see what his personal feeling...
Prabhupada: So do. So do that. Do that.
Prabhupada: Do that.
Prabhupada: No. Everyone should remain in jubilation. That is wanted.
Prabhupada: You cannot make depressed. No, that is not good.
Gargamuni: But he admits that he likes to do business work and export.
Prabhupada: That's all right. You discuss.
Satsvarupa: Then Hamsaduta Maharaja will retain responsibility for the South, Hyderabad.
Ramesvara: Including Hyderabad.
Prabhupada: Hyderabad is in the South. And further South, Ceylon? That's nice. Yes.
Kirtanananda: You have a note there about Prabhupada's letter, that we're to be guided by that.
Prabhupada: Hm?
Gargamuni: There's also special mention that the Hyderabad farm should be run according to your direction and cooperation between Mahamsa Swami and Hamsaduta Maharaja
Prabhupada: Yes. We have to develop this, an ideal farming. If you...
Hamsaduta: I'm just a little hesitant, because I thought Mahamsa will be a little upset maybe.
Prabhupada: Why?
Hamsaduta: I don't...
Ramesvara: He wants to be a little independent. He wants to be in charge by himself.
Hrdayananda: But it was mentioned that he is not very competent.
Brahmananda: Hamsaduta Maharaja planned(?) that there's much debt in the Hyderabad temple. They owe one lakh of rupees.
Ramesvara: They owe Prabhupada five lakhs.
Brahmananda: Well, just on rations they owe one lakh.
Pancadravida: One lakh on rice.
Hamsaduta: The whole situation is very deteriorated.
Prabhupada: So why he does not come?
Hamsaduta: Both with money and men. His best men all want to leave. His staunchest support, they have all become just completely discouraged. They want to go away.
Prabhupada: Eh?
Hamsaduta: They all want to go, his men. And the temple is very badly in debt, and it has not had a proper president for a very long time.
Prabhupada: This cannot be.
Hrdayananda: It was suggested that he can preach in the area.
Ramesvara: Anyway, for this reason...
Prabhupada: No why don't you call him to study the whole situation?
Prabhupada: Yes.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Prabhupada: Very good.
Satsvarupa: Then Gurukrpa Maharaja retained responsibility in Hawaii and Japan and Hong Kong; Bali-mardana, responsibility for Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, the South Sea islands, and for book distribution in Southeast Asia.
Prabhupada: Yes. He invented Australia.
Prabhupada: I was insisting, South Pacific organization.
Pancadravida: Even when I went through Bangkok, they knew of Bali-mardana and also Amogha and some of the other devotees.
Prabhupada: Yes. And our Sudama.
Satsvarupa: Then Atreya Rsi will retain the Mid-East zone. And that's all we did today.
Prabhupada: That's nice. Very good. All right.
Devotees: Jaya. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. [break]
Prabhupada: So you have to understand it. How you can, mean, simplify it?
Ramesvara: But just like sometimes for Back to Godhead...
Prabhupada: No, no. First of all come to the practical point. How he'll make it more easily understandable. Dharma-ksetra is a place. Mayapura is a place. There is...
Ramesvara: That cannot be changed.
Prabhupada: So everything is like that. Why do you endeavor to make it easier?
Ramesvara: I think their point is like this, that sometimes in Back to Godhead...
Prabhupada: Give me some example that "This is difficult, and if you put it in this way it will be easier."
Ramesvara: It's for telling a story, whereas in the Bhagavatam...
Jagadisa: We're talking about children's books.
Ramesvara: Children's books.
Jagadisa: For the gurukula.
Ramesvara: Yes. Can you explain that?
Gurukrpa: Eight hundred dollars.
Prabhupada: Oh. This is American?
Bhagavan: It's French money.
Prabhupada: Purport is not for the children. They should simply understand the word meaning. That's all. Purport is not for the children.
Jagadisa: They need something to read.
Ramesvara: Stories.
Jagadisa: Need to practice reading.
Prabhupada: So that is not Bhagavad-gita.
Jagadisa: No. So then we have Krsna book. Bhagavad-gita is not used for the younger children. Bhagavad-gita is used after they are nine or ten.
Prabhupada: Krsna book also difficult, but there is some philosophy sometimes.
Ramesvara: Actually all the time. You have given philosophy on every page.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Ramesvara: Let us finish this point. This is very important for the whole BBT.
Bhagavan: Oh. I thought this was about the children's books.
Ramesvara: No, no. Yes, but it's a general point. It will tie in later.
Tamala Krsna: Srila Prabhupada, I'm just thinking that in about ten minutes you're going to have to go down. This can be discussed during the massage.
Prabhupada: All right.
Ramesvara: So we can fix a time, because of the meetings, there's no chance.
Prabhupada: During massaging.
Ramesvara: After the GBC meetings.
Prabhupada: All right.
Atreya Rsi: Srila Prabhupada, this, the account that you have, I am keeping for you, the second, third month interest is due. Shall I give exactly like before? A check to him?
Prabhupada: Yes.
Atreya Rsi: To be deposited...
Prabhupada: You deposit in the Mayapura.
Ramesvara: In Los Angeles, that check.
Atreya Rsi: That's the check. And also the Tehran yatra is making an additional two thousand dollar donation to Your Divine Grace. Shall I give him a check or shall I put it in your account? Which way you like?
Prabhupada: No, no. You can directly put in my account.
Atreya Rsi: Put it in which account? In Mayapura account? Or shall I put it in my account and give you interest?
Prabhupada: That's all right
Atreya Rsi: Whichever you like. I am giving...
Prabhupada: He gives eighteen percent interest.
Atreya Rsi: Eighteen percent interest.
Ramesvara: That's the best in the world.
Prabhupada: (laughs) So you can do that.
Atreya Rsi: You want this two thousand added to your account.
Prabhupada: Yes. And inform me just like this account...
Atreya Rsi: Yes, I will give you a letter. I give you a check for two thousand, and you will give it back to me and I'll give you a receipt.
Prabhupada: No, you can simply give me advice.
Atreya Rsi: Okay. I will give you a note, "Two thousand added." But the interest, you want regularly go every three months.
Prabhupada: Oh, yes.
Atreya Rsi: I will give it to him.
Prabhupada: That's all right. Thank you.
Atreya Rsi: Not only that you get eighteen percent interest, the money is used for Krsna also.
Prabhupada: Yes. (chuckles) (end)
Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/conversations/1977/mar/gbc_resolutions/mayapura/march/01/1977 Previous: Room Conversation -- March 1, 1977, Mayapura Next: Room Conversation -- March 2, 1977, Mayapura