Morning Walk

June 10, 1976, Los Angeles
(in car)
Prabhupada: That reporter wanted to talk more?
Ramesvara: Yes. He spoke with me for another one hour, very interested. And he writes for many different magazines also, not just one magazine. He's called "free-lance writer."
Prabhupada: [break] ...our philosophy.
Ramesvara: He understands our philosophy, but he is not ready to surrender. He very much appreciated the dioramas that Bharadvaja is working on. We took him over to see them. Every one of the newspapermen was anxious to get a story on the opening of the museum.
Hrdayananda: Very prestigious, "Hare Krsna Museum."
Prabhupada: In everywhere, every center.
Hrdayananda: Museum, library...
Ramesvara: Then, eventually, Bharadvaja wants to have big museum in the city, not necessarily in our building, because the building may not have enough space. Srila Prabhupada, I think it will be more prestigious if we use the art paintings to be displayed in museums or art galleries.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Ramesvara: That way, wealthy, upper-class people will get a chance to appreciate. [break]
Prabhupada: ...said that beef-eating is the cause of cancer.
Devotee: Yes.
Prabhupada: Which is correct?
Hrdayananda: Too much addicted. (Prabhupada laughs)
Radhavallabha: This cancer problem seems to be increasing. Previously only old.... We would only hear of old people getting it. Now young people are getting it also. It is becoming very common.
Hrdayananda: Young people also.
Radhavallabha: Yes, two, one girl here got it. Another girl was suspected of having it.
Prabhupada: What is the symptom?
Radhavallabha: Generally, with women, they get some lump...
Ramesvara: Pain, the symptom is lump and great pain. Cancer is said to be some bacteria or virus cells that are inside the body, eating the body organs.
Radhavallabha: The cells increase, the cancer cells increase, and they take the place of the regular bodily cells, but they themselves are worthless.
Ramesvara: And the only idea they have for curing cancer is to cut out the diseased area from the body, remove that part of the body.
Devotee: Kill it with X-ray.
Radhavallabha: Yeah. They also try to bombard it with radiation, and that has its very bad effects. Their hair falls out. They get burns, sick.
Hrdayananda: Miserable condition.
Radhavallabha: Yes.
Ramesvara: Many modern sociologists, they are predicting that in twenty or thirty years the population will increase so much on this planet that the cities will be very, very crowded, and there will be many, many new problems: no room for so many cars and not enough food, not enough housing. They predict very, very.... And then the result will be rioting. So many people will not have enough food and good places to live that they will...
Prabhupada: So why don't you go back to home, back to Godhead? (laughs) We are trying to save them. Why you are rotting in this problem? (out of car) That reporter?
Ramesvara: "No obstacle."
Hari-sauri: "Death is not a problem."
Prabhupada: They are predicting so many problems, and still the rascals will say there is no problem. Padam yad vipadam. The material world is so made that in every step there is problems. [break] ...na tesam.
Ramesvara: They say that as the population increases in the cities, there must be rioting and fighting. There will be so many people without the minimum necessities of life, so much exploitation of the rich upper class.
Prabhupada: Why not go to New Vrindaban? That they will not do.
Ramesvara: There is no training how to live in New Vrindaban. They are educated only to live in the cities and work like mudhas. Even now.... One of the biggest problems that they're predicting is unemployment. They cannot...
Prabhupada: Yes. In America it has begun, what to speak of other countries.
Hrdayananda: Worse in other countries.
Ramesvara: Today there are many articles in the papers that college students graduate and cannot find any jobs, so their degree is useless.
Prabhupada: This.... This was the problem in India, and now it is also in America. [break]
Mahendra: Graduating with Ph.D.'s and then becoming truck drivers.
Candanacarya: Srila Prabhupada said years ago that our colleges are producing beggars. They get a degree and then they beg.
Prabhupada: Sudras and beggar.
Radhavallabha: [break] ...reporter that he was liberated. Later on, he was asking whether you were joking. (laughter)
Duryodhana-guru: [break] It says in the Srimad-Bhagavatam: aruhya krcchrena param padam tatah patanty adho 'nadrta-yusmad-anghrayah [SB 10.2.32]. So this refers to someone who has attained Brahman realization, that he must fall down because he does not take shelter at Krsna's lotus feet. Does this also refer to someone who has attained paramatma realization?
Prabhupada: Yes. Unless one reaches Vaikuntha planet, nobody is safe. [break]
Ramesvara: ...to the reporter?
Bharadvaja: What did he say?
Ramesvara: He said that's all right, because the fish are happy.
Prabhupada: And why did you not say that "I'll eat you"? (laughter)
Ramesvara: We told him it would take him one million years to get human birth again, and he was shocked.
Prabhupada: Yes, it's a fact.
Ramesvara: [break] ...say that when the unemployment problem becomes very great, it will cause the government to start wars with other countries just to engage the men.
Prabhupada: Where the government will get money?
Mahendra: They'll print it. [break]
Jagannatha-suta: ...cutting off the head when you have a headache.
Prabhupada: Yes. [break] ...in the age of Kali-yuga, difficulties will increase. That's a fact. Very, very difficult. We have passed only five thousand years, and there is balance of 427,000, hundreds of years, thousands. [break] ...only go back to home, back to Godhead. [break] ...has therefore advised that "Don't be engaged in all this nonsense activities, economic development. Simply become Krsna conscious." [break] ...promises that "For such persons who are in Krsna consciousness, I'll take charge for their maintenance directly." Yoga-ksemam vahamy aham [Bg. 9.22]. [break] ...envious of one another. They see that "These people, they do not do anything, and living so comfortably."
Ramesvara: They say that in the future, because of the overpopulation problem, there will not be sufficient foodstuffs, so they will have to develop eating simply by taking pills.
Prabhupada: Scientists will do that, but we shall take milk preparations.
Hari-sauri: We will drink milk, and they can drink their urine.
Candanacarya: ...scientist, Buckminster Fuller, who doesn't agree with the other scientists. He says that with proper organization the entire population of the planet could live in California.
Ramesvara: (indistinct) [break]
Candanacarya: ...density that we already have some population like in China and things like that.
Prabhupada: In Los Angeles we find so many houses: "Now Renting." [break]
Radhavallabha: They told us in school that in India there are so many people, practically you cannot even move. But when we go to India we see there is miles and miles of empty land, simply a few cities where it's crowded.
Prabhupada: Cities are crowded. Village? Very nice. [break]
Nalinikantha: ...there were so many people just in India that Maharaja Ugrasena had ten quadrillion bodyguards alone.
Prabhupada: At that time the India was whole planet. [break]
Radhavallabha: ...the body moves because of the presence of the soul. The scientists say that the body moves due to electronic impulses from the brain that cause the muscles to contract.
Prabhupada: Rascal, why don't you produce it? Why you talk nonsense?
Radhavallabha: I can't produce. It has happened by evolution over many millions of years. I don't have that long.
Prabhupada: So why you are dreaming? Do it practically.
Radhavallabha: We are not saying that we can do it. We are just explaining it.
Prabhupada: Who cares for your explanation?
Radhavallabha: We have so many followers.
Candanacarya: One day we will do it.
Prabhupada: That's it.
Ramesvara: There is one famous movie or a book called Frankenstein, and in that...
Candanacarya: [break] ...correction house, they go and they spend their term, and they come out and they again commit a crime.
Prabhupada: Punah punas carvita-carvananam [SB 7.5.30]. Again and again chewing the chewed. Durasaya ye bahir-artha-maninah, andha yathandhair upaniyamanas te 'pisa-tantryam uru-damni baddhah [SB 7.5.31].
Candanacarya: Prisoners, they spend so much of their life in the prisonhouse that when they are given an opportunity to leave, they refuse. (Prabhupada laughs) They say, "No, I'm so accustomed to stay here, I'd rather just stay in prison." So they beg the governor to let them stay in prison.
Prabhupada: If he comes out, he faces unemployment. Better to remain here. [break]
Jagadisa: ...how to prolong life and stop death. So Dr. Frog has a recent theory that (Prabhupada laughs) if a person fasts on every third day, he can prolong his life, twice as long. They are experimenting with rats on this basis. [break]
Ramesvara: And we take our knowledge from Srila Vyasadeva.
Trivikrama: And here also, Srila Prabhupada, in the ocean, they're surfing, extreme cold.
Radhavallabha: It's so cold that they sit on the water and they just tremble.
Prabhupada: That is also another punishment, voluntary.
Hari-sauri: Everybody's doing tapasya, but for their own cause.
Prabhupada: Hm? Yes. Ugra-karma, ferocious activities. [break]
Radhavallabha: ...people also do that. They wake up at two or three in the morning and drive and stand in the water for eight or ten hours, just freezing, waiting to catch a fish.
Candanacarya: For sport.
Radhavallabha: Just for fun, not even for eating.
Candanacarya: There are some fishermen that spend six months out of the year far out at sea just fishing. They sleep only three or four hours a day. They don't see any other people. They just live together on a big boat.
Bharadvaja: So the only way to beat that cycle is ajnata-sukrti?
Prabhupada: Why ajnata? Why not jnata? You rascal, you take Krsna conscious. Why ajnata? Be informed. This is the only way.
Bharadvaja: He can take it directly without having performed some pious activities?
Prabhupada: He'll take.... No, if he accepts, that is pious. And Krsna comes personally to canvass, "You rascal, take this and be happy." But he'll not do. Although it takes millions of years to come to that understanding, Krsna personally comes: "You take it. I assure you, I shall give you all protection," but they'll not take it.
Bharadvaja: To everyone?
Prabhupada: Yes. When He comes here, He comes for everyone. When He teaches Bhagavad-gita, is it for Arjuna? Everyone. [break] ...play is not distinct in the record.
Krsna-kanti: Not distinct enough? I can make it louder.
Prabhupada: Harer nama, harer nama [Cc. Adi 17.21].
Indian (devotee?): Prabhupada, do you want me to send it to you?
Prabhupada: Eh? You have translated?
Indian: Yes, I have here the first chapter.
Prabhupada: Oh, you go on reading.
Indian: Adhunika...
Hrdayananda: (trying to read something in Bengali) ...jijnasa... (pause) ...gayi.... haya hi.... mamana.... mana.... gagane...
Prabhupada: Oh, this is.... (says something in joking disgust, devotees laugh loudly).
Jayadvaita: I can read like that too. (more laughter)
Prabhupada: [break] ...written these two pages?
Indian: About three hours.
Prabhupada: That's nice. [break]
Ramesvara: ...that to do the book Scientific Basis would take two weeks.
Prabhupada: Hm? Then let him come. [break] ...so many items, so many books can be translated into English. (Prabhupada getting into car)
Devotees: Jaya Prabhupada! (end)

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