Room Conversation
July 31, 1976, New Mayapur (French farm) Prabhupada: Organize it and keep hundreds of books. They will live peacefully. But don't entangle in sinful activities. Then it will be all right. Such a nice place. The city residents cannot imagine. What a nonsense lifeclubs, slaughterhouse, gambling places, drinking house. This is like hell. Try to save people from this hellish condition of life, without any knowledge, like animals. And nature therefore creates a wholesale slaughterhouse in war, to cut throat allfinished. Many millions and millions are finished. From 1914 to 1950, how many years?
Harikesa: Thirty-six.
Prabhupada: Within thirty-six years there were two big wars, slaughter. Especially Europe. Nature will create. Pestilence. Somewhere there is pestilence, somewhere there is war, somewhere there is scarcity of food. But you cannot indulge in sinful activities. Then you'll be killed. Then nature's law will act. You may defy, that's your business, but nature will act in her own way. Daivi hy esa gunamayi mama maya duratyaya [Bg. 7.14]. You cannot surpass. That is not possible. But they are foolish, they are trying to conquer over nature by their so-called scientific knowledge. They are such a rascal. You change the color of this fruit and flower, conquer over nature. So rascal, they talk rascal, "It will take millions of years." We have to wait million. "Yes, from chemical we shall bring life. Wait million of years." This is going on. And for such thing, big building, laboratory, research, scientific research. Big, big signboard. And the students out of disappointment, going to the roof and falling down, committing suicide. I saw it?
Harikesa: Berkeley.
Prabhupada: Berkeley. Very horrible condition. Let them do whatever they like, you live apart from them. Live peacefully in Krsna consciousness. Be happy. Let these cats and dogs go to hell; what can be done? We are trying to educate them as far as possible, but if they do not take it, that is their business. We are doing our duty, going door to door, "Read these books. If you like, you can come and live with us." What we can do more? We do not make any condition, that if you live with us you have to fulfill. Of course, the condition is that you should not act sinfully. That is the first condition. But we never say that you have to pay so many dollars. Come. Whatever little food we have got, we shall share. So try to understand the importance of this movement. Krsna is giving us. This is a first-class place. You can develop it into a Vaikuntha. It is already Vaikuntha, Krsna is there. But develop it very nicely, peacefully live. Hundreds of miles away from the hellish cities. For little conveyance we can have bullock carts, when we have to get, transport. Very peaceful life. Introduce it and live peacefully. Am I right or wrong?
Devotee: Oh, yes.
Prabhupada: These farming projects therefore I introduced, New Vrindaban, it is successful; Philadelphia, it is going on nicely; New Orleans; here also. In London we haven't got much land, but still we have got sufficient land. (pause) So if we have to go by jet plane on Saturday, then we shall get down Iran.
Harikesa: We were just deciding whether.... I think it's easier in Geneva, because the airport is only fifteen minutes from the temple.
Prabhupada: Where?
Harikesa: In Geneva. The temple and the airport are very close, and there's a direct plane on Friday from Geneva to Bombay.
Prabhupada: Oh. How many hours?
Harikesa: About seven.
Prabhupada: That's nice, that is also nice.
Harikesa: So we're just going to decide after this which is exactly the best thing to do.
Prabhupada: That is also nice. Which day the...?
Harikesa: The airplane is on Friday.
Prabhupada: Friday, that is also. Harer nama, harer nama [Adi 17.21]. Everyone is happy, the children, the woman. They don't demand anything, that "Give us this, give us that." They have simplified, automatically they have simplified their life. And gradually develop, make little cottages, grow little vegetable, little barley or wheat and milk. That is sufficient. We don't require much. We don't want luxury. We want just to subsist. Yavad artha prayojana. We hate the idea of luxury, unnecessary. Do the outsider come to see? Yes?
Bhagavan: Yes.
Prabhupada: What do they say?
Bhagavan: They are impressed with how much we have done.
Prabhupada: They will be more and more impressed. What is this city life? In Paris, simply to fulfill the necessities of life, a professional prostitute, so many. And people from all over the world, they come here for indulge in prostitute. From our childhood we know. What a civilization they have made. Spoiling the life. Then, after finish this life, you just become a cat, a dog, or a tree and stand up. And all other planets are vacant. Simply this planet is filled up, overpopulation. Kill them. Why not send there? So vacant land. (laughter) "That we cannot do." Then what is your scientific research? "Yes, we are trying. Wait millions of years." (laughter) These bluffing rascals. Don't be misled. Live peacefully here, chant Hare Krsna.
Prabhupada: Now I have given the ideas, the philosophy, in the books. So it is your business to develop all over the world. You are very intelligent, Europeans and Americans. Give it a shape, for the world prosperity. Give it a practical.... It is practical. There is no difficulty. So much land. Very good fertile land in Africa, Australia, in America. All of them can be utilized for the happiness of the whole world. The portal(?) has come or not?
Yogesvara: I haven't seen any new devotees come from London, so probably not.
Harikesa: No, it was air-freighted, it's sitting in the Paris airport.
Yogesvara: It is? How do you know?
Harikesa: Portal's in Paris airport, no?
Prabhupada: That don't mind labor. You try to grow portal here. You have got greenhouse.
Devotee: Some bitter melons. Some karela melons.
Prabhupada: Everything. Bijam mam sarva-bhutanam [Bg. 7.10]. The pita is there. Properly put it into the womb of mother earth. That is the process. Bijam mam sarva-bhutanam. Aham bija-pradah pita. Harer nama [Cc. Adi 17.21]. (film projector comes on)
Bhagavan: Last year's European tour.
Devotee: This is the City Hall in Geneva, Switzerland.
Devotee: After you spoke with the mayor in Geneva, Srila Prabhupada, he was worried about the economy of the country, when you explained if we cultivated grains there will be no problem.
Prabhupada: What was answer?
Yogesvara: Do you remember the answer Srila Prabhupada gave?
Devotee: Prabhupada said we work for cultivating grains. All living entities to live together peacefully. (projector goes off)
Prabhupada: Very good.
Bhagavan: You have done something very extraordinary.
Prabhupada: Therefore I was explaining our ecstasy. (laughter) Who will feel that ecstasy? That is not possible. They can lecture only. No ecstasy. Here is ecstasy, that is the difference. Ecstasy means immediately on the spiritual platform. (end)
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