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Garden Conversation

June 25, 1975, Los Angeles
Prabhupada: ...is not knowledge. If the tenant thinks that "This apartment is mine, I am owner," then he is wrong. If he knows perfectly well that it belongs to the landlord, "I have given for use," then it is knowledge.
Dr. Wolf: Srila Prabhupada, and the tenant can be easily evicted.
Prabhupada: Yes. Evicted. At that time he knows the owner. (laughter) When he is kicked out. That is stated also in the Bhagavad-gita. Mrtyuh sarva-haras caham [Bg. 10.34]. Those who are not believing in God, to them God will come one day as death, "Now believe Me. Get out!" Finished. All your pride finished. Your pride, your property, your family, your bank balance, your skyscraper buildingall taken away. "Finished. Get out." This is God. Now understand God? To believe or not believe, God will come one day. He will take you, take your everything, and "Get out!" That is God. You believe or not believe. It doesn't matter. The same example, the tenant may not believe the landlord, but when the landlord will come with court's order, "Get out," then you have to go out. That's all. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, that "Those who are not believer in God, to them I come as death and take away everything, finished." That one has to believe, "Yes, as sure as death." Then God is sure. You may challenge so long you have got little life for a few years, (laughter) but God will come and drive you away from your present pride, prestigious position, "Get out." So unless one is madman, he cannot say, "There is no God." Anyone who denies the existence of God, he is a madman.
Dr. Wolfe: Prabhupada, wouldn't it be better to say he is blind, he is stupid?
Prabhupada: Yes, the same thing. Mad is the sum total of all stupidity. (laughter) When I say mad, it is the sum total of all kinds of stupidity. Now you can give them prasadam. I think we have occupied their time.
Bahulasva: Srila Prabhupada, when would you like to speak to Dr. Judah about the college?
Prabhupada: Whenever he finds convenient. I am always ready.
Dr. Judah: About the college?
Prabhupada: Yes.
Dr. Judah: Well, I understand you are interested in founding a college, and er...
Prabhupada: Everyone should be interested.
Dr. Judah: Yes. And I've been trying to get the particulars up in Berkeley concerning certain possibilities and I, of course, wrote to the...
Prabhupada: No, it is possibility. Just like you have got this religious section, similarly, we can have Vedic theological section. That's all. It is a section department.
Dr. Judah: The idea of the college that you have in mind, is this going to be an all-around college, in other words teaching not only, you might say, Vaisnavism, but also English and the other subjects?
Prabhupada: Oh, yes.
Dr. Judah: In other words, a liberal arts college with a religious section in it.
Prabhupada: No. Just like your association is graduate. So you accept graduates to the Union?
Dr. Judah: Well, will this be...
Prabhupada: Just like law college. Law college, one joins after graduation.
Dr. Judah: Right. There are two types of college programs. One is what we call the undergraduate program which is generally a four-year program leading to a bachelor's degree, and then there is the graduate program, which one finds, particularly here in the United States, if one is interested in religion, in the seminaries, which are...
Prabhupada: If you have time some other time. We have to go over the particulars. So whenever you like. Day after tomorrow I am going?
Jayatirtha: He is.
Dr. Judah: I'll be here tomorrow and tomorrow afternoon I have to go back.
Prabhupada: Yes. So in the morning.
Dr. Judah: Yes, fine.
Prabhupada: So we can talk in details.
Bahulasva: We showed Dr. Judah the press and all the books, how they were published. He was very impressed.
Dr. Judah: Yes. You seem to... You have, it would seem, the very latest knowledge of technology. They're doing these things by means of computers, you know, and all of the very highest technology. In fact, technology that I haven't seen in many publishing companies, and I have looked at a lot of publishing companies. And this is the most advanced technology I have ever seen in publishing. (laughter) It's amazing really.
Devotee: Beware, it'll do you in. (laughter) No, we can use it for Krsna. That is the important thing, as long as we're using it for Krsna.
Prabhupada: This technology is also Krsna's energy, material energy. That is Krsna's energy. And when the material energy is utilized for Krsna's energy... I will take there. You can distribute. So, I can take your leave now? I have to... [break] (end)

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