Purport & Explanation to Hari Hari Biphale

Los Angeles, December 26, 1968
Pradyumna: Hari hari biphale, janama...
Prabhupada: Gonainu. G-o-y-a-i-n-u. [Bengali phonetic spelling sometimes does not match the BBT standard diacritics used for Bengali. Ed. note]
Pradyumna: Gowanu.
Prabhupada: Gonainu.
Prabhupada: Biphale, janama gonainu. Hari hari biphale janama gonainu. Gonainu.
Prabhupada: Yes. So shall I give the meaning also?
Pradyumna: Afterwards, I guess. Oh, this is the first verse? Hari hari biphale, janama gonainu.
Prabhupada: Janama gonainu. This is first line. Hari hari biphale, janama gonainu. The next line: manusya-janama paiya. M-a-n-u-s-y-a.
Prabhupada: Janama. J-a-n-a-m-a. Paiya, p-a-i-y-a.
Prabhupada: Manusya-janama paiya, radha-krsna na bhajiya. Next line. R-a-d-h-a, Radha, Krsna, K-r-i-s-h-n-a, na bhajiya, n-a, na, bhajiya, b-h-a-j-i-a, na bhajiya. Next line, janiya, j-a-n-i-a, janiya.
Pradyumna: J-a?
Prabhupada: N-i-a. Suniya, s-u-n-i-a. Janiya suniya bisa, b-i-s-a, bisa.
Prabhupada: B-i-s-a. Khainu, k-h-a-i-n-u.
The meaning is, Hari Hari, "My Lord,'' biphale, "uselessly,'' janama, "life,'' gonainu, "spent up. I have uselessly spent up my life.'' Why? Because manusya-janama paiya, "I got this human form of life,'' manusya-janama paiya, radha-krsna na bhajiya, "but I did not engage myself in the loving transcendental service of Radha and Krsna.'' Radha-krsna na bhajiya, janiya suniya bisa khainu: "Willingly, purposefully, I have drunk poison.'' Hari hari biphale, janama gonainu.
Pradyumna: Tell it for each word. Janiya means?
Prabhupada: Janiya means knowingly, and suniya means hearing.
Pradyumna: Hearing?
Prabhupada: Yes. Two kinds of knowledge are there. You can practically understand by experiment. This is called janiya. And another knowledge is by hearing from authoritative source. That is also knowledge. Janiya suniya "By hearing process and by experimental knowledge, in both ways, I know that this human form of life is meant for engaging in the loving service of Radha and Krsna, but I did not do that. That means purposefully I have drunk poison. I have committed suicide.'' Then golokera prema-dhana, g-o-l-e... No. G-o-l-o-k-e-r-a, golokera. Prema,
p-r-e-m-a, prema. Dhana, d-h-a-n-a. Golokera prema-dhana. That means: "This chanting, Hare Krsna, is imported from the transcendental abode of Goloka." Hari-nama-sankirtana. "This chanting, Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, this is not material vibration. This sound is..." What is called? Captured? Just like we capture sound. The sound is in the air. So this sound... There are different layers of air, but this sound is in the highest layer, in the transcendental, spiritual layer, beyond this material world. From that sound it is captured. It requires strong machine to capture that sound. Golokera prema-dhana, hari-nama-sankirtana.
Prabhupada: H-a-r-i-n-a-m-a, hari-nama, sankirtana, s-a-n-k-i-r-t-a-n-a. Hari-nama sankirtana. Rati na janmila. R-a-t-i, n-a, na, janmila, j-a-n-m-i-l-a. Rati na janmila kena, k-e-n-a, tai, t-a-i. "It is so sublime, transcendental, and it is imported from the transcendental world, Goloka Vrndavana. Unfortunately, I do not know why I did not get any attachment for such nice thing." Rati na janmila kene tai. Tai means "in that." Bisaya bisanale. B-i-s-a-y-a, bisaya. Bisa, b-i-s-a, bisa, nale, n-a-l-e.
Prabhupada: Bisa, b-i-s-a, nale, n-a-l-e. Bisanale. The blazing fire of poison. The material enjoyment is blazing fire of poison. "Just like a person, if he is put into the blazing fire, he is burned into ashes, similarly, simply by thinking, 'How I shall enjoy this? How I shall enjoy this materially?' This is just like blazing fire of poison. So I am suffering always." Bisaya bisanale diba-nisi hiya jvale. Diba-nisi, d-i-b-a, diba-nisi. Diba means day, and nisi, nisi means night. "So day and night I am in this blazing fire."
Pradyumna: Nesi? How do you spell that?
Prabhupada: Nisi, n-i-s-i.
Pradyumna: Diba n-i-s-i, diba-nisi.
Prabhupada: Hiya, h-i-a, hiya, jvale, j-a..., j-v-a-l-e.
Pradyumna: J-v-e-l-e.
Prabhupada: J-v-a-l-e. Diba-nisi hiya jvale: "The heart is burning always, day and night." Tarivare. T-a-r-i v-a-r-e, tarivare. Tarivare means "to get out of it."
Pradyumna: Can you spell that again?
Prabhupada: Tarivare? T-a-r-i v-a-r-e.
Pradyumna: Vire?
Prabhupada: R-e, tarivare.
Pradyumna: Tarivare.
Prabhupada: Na kainu. N-a, na, kainu, k-a-i-n-u, na kainu, upaya, u-p-a-y-a, upaya. Tarivare means "to get out of it,'' na kainu, "did not do.'' Na means "not,'' kainu, "did not do.'' Na kainu upaya. Upaya means "means.'' That means "If anyone wants to get out of this blazing fire of poison of material enjoyment, then he has to take to this hari-nama-sankirtana, this chanting. That is the only method. So I did not do that. I engaged myself in this visaya visanale, this material enjoyment. Therefore my life has been uselessly spoiled. Tarivare na kainu upaya. The next line, vrajendra-nandana yei. V-r-a-j-e-n-d-r-a, vrajendra, nandana, n-a-n-d-a-n-a, yei, y-a-i.
Prabhupada: Jai. Vrajendranandana yei, saci-suta, s-a-c-h-i-s-u-t-a, saci-suta, haila, h-a-i-l-a, haila, sei, s-a-i, sei. Vrajendra-nandana yei, saci-suta haila sei, balarama haila nitai. B-al-a-r-a-m-a, balarama, haila, h-i, h-a-i-l-a. Haila, h-a-i-l-a, nitai, n-i-t-a-i, haila nitai. Balarama haila nitai. And this means... Vrajendra-nandana yei: "The Supreme Personality who appeared as the son of King Nanda, the same Supreme Personality Krsna has now appeared as the son of mother Saci." And Balarama, b-a-l-a-r-a-m-a; haila, haila means "has become;" Nitai, "Lord Nityananda." "Formerly the Personality of Godhead who was known as Balarama has now become Lord Nityananda." So what is their business? Papi tapi yata chilo. P-a-p-i, t-a-p-i, papi tapi, yata, y-a-t-a, yata chilo, c-h-h-i-l-a.
Pradyumna: C-h-h-i-l-a?
Prabhupada: Yes. Papi tapi yata chilo, hari-name, uddharilo. H-a-r-i, hari, name, n-a-m-e, name, uddharilo, u-d-d-h-a-r-i-l-a. That means "These two Personality of Godhead, they, simply by distributing the transcendental chanting, Hare Krsna, has reclaimed all conditioned and sinful souls." Papi tapi yata chilo, hari-name uddharilo. "And the concrete example for this activity is Jagai and Madhai, the two brothers known by Jagai-Madhai.'' J-a-g-a-i, Jagai and Madhai, M-a-d-h-a-i. Papi tapi yata chilo, hari name uddharilo, ta'ra saksi, ta'ra saksi. T-a-r, saksi, s-a-k-s-h-i, saksi, jagai and madhai. And then last verse is ha ha prabhu nanda-suta, h-a-h-a, ha ha, prabhu, p-r-a-b-h-u, prabhu, nanda-suta, n-a-n-d-a-s-u-t-a. "My dear Lord Krsna, son of King Nanda..." Vrsabhanu-suta-yuta. V-r-i-s-a-b-h-a-n-u, vrsabhanu, suta, s-u-t...
Pradyumna: V-s... Vrsa?
Prabhupada: Vrsabhanu, b-h-a-n-u.
Pradyumna: B-h-a-n-u.
Prabhupada: Vrsabhanu-suta, s-u-t-a. Suta-yuta, y-u-t-a. That means "My Lord Krsna, the son of King Nanda, You are now along with Radharani, the daughter of King Vrsabhanu. So both of you are here. So I am Narottama dasa Thakura." Narottama, N-a-r-a-t-t-a-m-a, Narottama, dasa, d-a-s-a, dasa, kahe, k-a-h-e. "I am Narottama dasa. I am placing my appeal unto You." Narottama dasa ka..., na theliho. N-a, theliho, t-h-e-l-i-a. Na theliho. Ranga, r-a-n-g-a, ranga, paye, p-a-y-e. Na theliho ranga paye. Tumi bina, t-u-m-i, tumi, vina, v-i-n-a.
Pradyumna: T-u-m-e?
Prabhupada: T-u-m-e, tumi, vina, v-i-n-a, ke, k-e, ache, a-c-h-h-e, ache, ke ache.
Pradyumna: C-h-...
Prabhupada: H-e.
Pradyumna: A-s-c-h...
Prabhupada: No. A-c-h-h-e. Amar, a-m-a-r. "So who else is there beyond yourself? So don't kick me out by Your lotus feet. Please accept me because I have no other shelter than Yourself." Is that...? (end)

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