Nitya means eternal. Krsna's pastimes, appearance and dis..., disappearance, is continuous and eternal. There is no stoppage. Lord Caitanya says, bujhite na pare lila kemane 'nitya' haya. Ordinary persons, common men, cannot understand how krsna-lila, Krsna's appearance and disappearance, can be eternal. Generally, we think that Krsna appeared five thousand years before; now He's no longer. So either He's dead or gone. Just like ordinary man takes his birth and stay here for some time and then he goes awayno more, no trace of that particular man's activities. He's lost in the whirlpool of this material ocean. Neither exactly in a similar body, that particular living entity will again come back. Once. This form which you have got, material form, it is just like a bubble in the ocean. It is formed somehow or other according to our past actions and reactions, and it will stay for hundred years at most. Then it will disappear. And there will be no trace where that particular individual soul has gone. Of course, there is account in the books of Supreme Personality of Godhead. Vedaham samatitani [Bg. 7.26]. He says, "I know everything." And He's always constant companion. As Supersoul of the individual soul, He knows. But we, the persons of a particular person's relatives, father, mother, brother, all these thingswho knows? Nobody can give information. But Krsna's appearance and disappearance is not like that, because He's not different from His body. We are, in our conditioned stage, we are different from our body. But Krsna and Krsna's body is the same thing. This is to be understood. Sac-cid-ananda-vigraha [Bs. 5.1]. Isvarah paramah krsnah sac-cid-ananda vigraha. His form is eternal, blissful and full of knowledge. This material body is not like that. Therefore we cannot understand how krsna-lila is eternal, continuous eternal.
That is being instructed by Lord Caitanya:
Jyotiscakra-pramane. Jyotiscakra means orbit of the planets. The, a planet is moving in its orbit continually. Similarly, Krsna-lila is also just like an orbit. He's giving very nice example: orbit of the earth, orbit of the moon, orbit of the sun. The sun is also not fixed up. According to Vedic astronomy, the sun is also moving. We have got information from Srimad-Bhagavatam and other Vedic literatures, Brahma-samhita. In the Brahma-samhita it is stated that yac-caksur esa savita sakala-grahanam. The sun is considered to be the eyes of the Supreme Lord, and the sun is the king of all other planets. Yac-caksur esa savita. Savita means the sun. Yac-caksur esa savita sakala-grahanam raja samasta-sura-murtir asesa tejah. Sura-murtih. Every planet is dominated by a particular demigod. There is a, a principal living entity who is differently named. Just like this moon planet is called Candraloka because the predominating deity there is called Candra; the sun planet is called Suryaloka because the predominating deity is called Surya. Surya, Candrathese are official names, just like "governor." But the particular name is also there. Governor is a particular person. Just like "president." President is a general name, but he has got his particular personal name. Similarly, all these predominating deities of Candraloka and Suryaloka, they are, these are official names. Anybody who's predominating over the sun planet, he's called Surya, but he has got his personal name. That name is Vivasvan. That is described in the Bhagavad-gita. Imam vivasvate yogam proktavan aham avyayam [Bg. 4.1]. Who is that Vivasvan? Vivasvan is the present predominating deity in the sun planet.
This sun planet, according to your modern science, it is fixed. But we cannot understand why sun should be fixed. Every planet has its orbit. So sun must be moving in the orbit. That is described in the Brahma-samhita: yac-caksur esa savita sakala-grahanam raja. He's the king of all planetsraja samasta-sura-murtir asesa tejah. Asesa tejah means inexhaustible temperature. The sun planet has got inexhaustible heat and temperature. That we can experience. Nobody can say what is there that the sun planet is diffusing unlimited temperature and heat for millions and trillions of years, still, it is not exhausted. So this is called asesa. Asesa. There is no end. Just like we are in the fire. Unless we put some fuel, fuel, it is not possible to continue the temperature. But there, the supply is so, so sufficient that there is no end of temperature. Every planet is self-sufficient. That is described in the Isopanisad. Isavasyam idam sarvam yat kincit jagatyam jagat... [Iso mantra 1]. No. Purnam idam, purnam adah, purnam purnat udacyate purnasya purnam adaya purnam eva avasisyate [Iso Invocation]. The Supreme Lord is purna. Purna means complete. And whatever He creates, that is also complete. The actions and reactions of sun planet to diffuse heat all over the universe is complete. By Lord's grace, by Lord's creative power, energy. That is also inferior energy. This is not superior energy. This is inferior energy. So still it is complete.
So... So He is giving example as the planets, sun planet, moon planet and other planets, are moving in their orbits, similarly, krsna-lila has got a orbit, and the lila is going on. As the sun is moving or the planets, the earth planet is moving exactly at the same time. Just after twenty-four hours it will be meridian, and at 12 o'clock, just twenty-four hours. Similarly, Krsna's lila, exactly after certain millions of years, it will be seen in this planet. Similarly, there are innumerable universes, and it is moving from this, that, this, that... Now, just like krsna-lila, just Krsna born at, at the prison house of Kamsa... Vasudeva, father, and Devaki, mother. Immediately, as soon as the child is born, the next, the next universe, there is birth. So same very thing. Just like now it is quarter to eight according to sun calculation. Immediately, you'll find some other place quarter to eight. Immediately you'll find quarter to eight in other place. Immediately... So quarter to eight you cannot change. Quarter to eight will exist within this movement of the sun planet or earthly planet. Anywhere, somebody, somewhere must be there quarter to eight. At any time. Even at 12 o'clock at night you inquire, "What is quarter to eight of the sun planet?" you'll have. Is it not a fact? This is called nitya-lila. How nicely Caitanya Mahaprabhu has described.
So Krsna-lila is always going on like that. Krsna's birth, Janmastami... We observe Janmastami. But that Janmastami is going on every moment. Janmastami is going on. Krsna's nitya-lila. Krsna-lila-nitya, jyotiscakra-pramane. Jyotiscakre surya yena phire ratri-dine. Now here it is also, in the Caitanya-caritamrta, it is said that here surya is also on the orbit. Sapta-dvipambudhi langhi' phire krame krame. Sapta-dvipa. Now, according to Vedic calculation, this earth has seven, I mean to say, islands. Just like crossing the sea, we have come to your country from India. The crossing the sea means there are different islands. Now you can calculate the Asia, Europe, America, and, and, how many?
Devotee: Seven.
Prabhupada: Seven, there are?
Devotee: Six.
Prabhupada: So that is calculation in Vedic know... Sapta-dvipa. Sapta means seven. As the sun is coming in the orbit and crossing all the seven islands, similarly, Krsna is also coming in this universe, that universe, that universe. When He comes into this universe, He, He is seen in that tract of land which is called Vrndavana. Therefore that tract of land is so sacred. Lord Caitanya describes by His mission, aradhyo bhagavan vrajesa-tanayas tad dhama vrndavanam. Aradhya, the Supreme Lord, Krsna, is worshipable Deity, and His dhama, and His headquartersand His dhama means headquarters-Vrndavana. Therefore Vrndavana is so important. When Krsna comes... Just like when the sun appears in your country there is a particular city or place... Where it is where the sun first seen? Where it is?
Devotee: Greenwich, Maine.
Prabhupada: Greenwich.
Devotee: Uh huh.
Prabhupada: In your country, America?
Devotee: What is that?
Prabhupada: Where the sun is first seen?
Devotee: Anybody know?
Prabhupada?: Oh, you cannot say?
Students: Maine.
Prabhupada: Maine? Just like Maine is the first place where is seen sun, similarly, Vrndavana is the place where Krsna is seen first. The example is very nice. Sapta-dvipambudhi langhi' phire krame krame.
Now Caitanya Mahaprabhu is submitting His knowledge in astronomy. Astronomy. And He's dividing the whole day and night into sixty dandas. According to Vedic calculation of time, the whole day and night... Just like, according to Western system, the whole day and night is divided into twenty-four hours, they have divided into still further... Sixty dandas. They are called dandas. Tina-sahasra... Ratri-dine haya sasti-danda-parimana. The whole day and night is divided into sixty parts. Tina-sahasra chaya-sata 'pala' tara mana. And these dandas are again subdivided into three hundred and sixty palas. They are called pala. Danda and pala. Suryodaya haite sasti-pala-kramodaya. And the sun rises in every sixty pala. We can, we can see sun is rising, but not all of a sudden we can see. But gradually. That gradual, I mean to say, elevation of the sun planet is..., takes sixty pala times. Sei eka danda, asta dande 'prahara' haya. Prahara means three hours, and that is asta danda.
The whole day is divided into four praharas. So at the end of the day, of the four praharas, the Surya, this sun planet sets. Cari prahara ratri gele... And similarly, four praharas, when passed at night, again the sun planet is seen.
Caudda-manvantare. There are fourteen Manus in one day of Brahma. So krsnera lila-mandala caudda manvantare. So in the fourteen mandalas, the, the I mean to..., the orbit of krsna-lila is, I mean to say, circumambulating. So He is..., He is seen in the Manu's life, in the fourteen Manu's life. There are fourteen Manus. In each Manu's life, there are seventy-one catur-yugas, in each Manu's life. In the twenty-eighth catur-yuga, Krsna, in the Dvapara-yuga, appears. There is mathematical calculation. Soayasata vatsara krsnera prakata-prakasa. And when He is in this universe, He remains here for 124 year, 125 years. When Krsna was here He was for 125 years. And when He was in the battlefield, His age was about 100 years, almost 100 years. Because, just after finishing the battlefield, He went to Dvaraka, and, after some days, He disappeared. So I think it was more than hundred years when He was fighting as charioteer of Krsna. Just imagine, a hundred-years-old man, how many children and grandchildren, great-grandchildren, might have. In those days, the boys were married... Still in India boys are married in early age. The boys and girls were married just after sixteen years, especially in the ksatriya families. They are very developed because they can eat very nicely, they live very nicely. So their body development is very nice. They can beget children even at fifteen years oldin those days, especially. So Krsna had, at that time, great-grandchildren when He was fighting in the Kuruksetra. He was... He came just to help His friend Arjuna. He did not take part in the fighting; He was charioteer. Now you have seen the Krsna's picture. He looks like a twenty-years boy. Advaitam acyutam anadim ananta-rupam adyam purana purusam nava-yauvanam [Bs. 5.33]. Nava-yauvanamjust a fresh youth. Youthful luster. He's very nice, beautiful. So He is seen like that, kisora. Kisora. Just sixteen-years-old boy.
So, taha yaiche vraja-pure karila vilasa
saoyasata vatsara krsnera prakata-prakasa taha yaiche vraja-pure karila vilasa So within these 125 years, all the pastimes that Krsna displayed during His presence, all those things are going on in each and every universe, just like the sun planet is moving from one place to another. This is the idea of Krsna-lila.
So saba lila. And all the activities, they are manifested in either of the so many brahmandas. So at every second you just divide that 125 years into seconds and all, less than second, what it is? Of course, I do not know... But if you divide in that way, then you can calculate how many universes are there. How many seconds are there in one hour?
Devotee: Three thousand?
Prabhupada: Three thousand?
Devotee: Three thousand, six hundred.
Prabhupada: Three thousand, six hundred seconds in one hour. Then what are the twenty-four hours? (laughs) Just see.
Devotee: A pencil and paper...
Prabhupada: No. No. Just imagine that 360 seconds in one hour, so in one day we have got 24 hours. So 360 into 24, that becomes the seconds in one day. Then you multiply it into 30. That means in one month. Then you multiply it by 12. Then it comes to one year. Such 125. So you can calculate. At least you can imagine who many universes are thereby that calculation of second, and if you go further detail.
So God's creation is wonderful. Nobody can... Everything is unlimited. He's unlimited. His creation is unlimited. His pastimes are unlimited. His forms are unlimited. Everything unlimited. Everything. His incarnations are unlimited. Everything. Just like see, even in your own body, can you count how many hairs are on your body and head? They are unlimited. I am claiming "This is my body," but I do not know how many hairs are there. But you ask Krsna, He'll tell you. Especially Howard cannot say how many hairs are there... (laugh) Who can say? Howard cannot say. So this is Krsna's creative energy. You see. And He is aloof. All things, all these wonderful things are going on, but He's aloof. He's aloof. Naham tesu avasthitah.
These are inconceivable energies. And foolish rascals, they claim that "I am God." You see. God is not so cheap. One must know the science of God, how great is God. We cannot calculate. Those who cheaply take God, "God might be like me, you," just frog philosophy. The same frog philosophy. The frog is calculating the length and breadth of Atlantic Ocean, keeping itself in the well. You see. So similarly, these rascals, they are frogs in the well, and they are calculating the estimation of the length and breadth of Atlantic Ocean and claiming themselves as God.
janma, balya, pauganda, kaisora prakasa
putana-vadhadi kari' mausalanta vilasa kona brahmande kona lilara haya avasthana tate lila 'nitya' kahe agama-purana So Lord Caitanya says, "Just like the time calculation of the sun is always present in the orbit of this earthly planet, similarly, in the orbit of Krsna-lila, everything is happening in some universe." That is called nitya-lila. Because it is happening eternally and continually, in either of innumerable planets, which we cannot calculate, therefore His pastimes, appearance and disappearance are all eternal. We are not worshiper of a dead thing. Just like if a foolish person says at night, "Oh, sun is finished." How? "I cannot see. Because I don't see in the sky, it is finished." Similarly, the foolish person thinks, "Oh, Krsna is..., I cannot see; therefore He's finished." This is foolish calculation. Now, from the description of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, we can understand that Krsna is not dead and gone. He's present always and every time, everywhere. And if we are sincerely in Krsna consciousness, that Krsna is always with us, He gives us protection, His mercy is there. Everything is there. With this conviction, we should continue Krsna consciousness. It is not a manufactured, false identification, but it is fact, and we have to follow great personalities like Lord Caitanya, Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who actually established the science of Krsna. Krsnaya... As Rupa Gosvami, he, he prayed Lord Caitanya:
namo maha-vadanyaya
krsna-prema-pradaya te krsnaya-krsna-caitanya- namne gaura-tvise namah [Cc. Madhya 19.53] "Oh, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You because You are so magnanimous that You are distributing the love of Krsna. Krsna wanted, when He, when He was present, that 'You love Me, surrender unto Me. Sarva-dharman parityajya [Bg. 18.66].' Now people misunderstood. But Your process of preaching Krsna philosophy is so nice, by the sankirtana movement, that everyone can understand the Krsna philosophy very easily. Therefore You are the most magnanimous incarnation, and I offer my respectful obeisances unto You."
Thank you very much. (end)
Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/classes/cc/madhya/20/385-394/new_york/january/01/1967 Previous: Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila 20.367-84 -- New York, December 31, 1966 Next: Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila 20.391-405 -- New York, January 2, 1967