TEXT 182
ka krsnasya pranaya-jani-bhuh srimati radhikaika
kasya preyasy anupama-guna radhikaika na canya
jaihmyam kese drsi taralata nisthuratvam kuce 'sya
vancha-purtyai prabhavati hare radhikaika na canya
kawho; krsnasyaof Lord Krsna; pranaya-jani-bhuhthe birthplace of love of Krsna; srimatiall-beautiful; radhikaSrimati Radharani; ekaalone; kawho; asyaHis; preyasimost dear friend; anupama-gunahaving unparalleled qualities; radhikaSrimati Radharani; ekaalone; nanot; caalso; anyaanyone else; jaihmyamcrookedness; kesein the hair; drsiin the eyes; taralataunsteadiness; nisthuratvamfirmness; kucein the breasts; asyahHer; vanchaof the desires; purtyaito fulfill; prabhavatimanifests; harehof Lord Krsna; radhikaSrimati Radharani; ekaalone; nanot; ca anyaanyone else.
" 'If one asks about the origin of love of Krsna, the answer is that the origin is in Srimati Radharani alone. Who is the most dear friend of Krsna? The answer again is Srimati Radharani alone. No one else. Srimati Radharani's hair is very curly, Her two eyes are always moving to and fro, and Her breasts are firm. Since all transcendental qualities are manifest in Srimati Radharani, She alone is able to fulfill all the desires of Krsna. No one else.'
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