TEXT 157
evam harau bhagavati pratilabdha-bhavo
bhaktya dravad-dhrdaya utpulakah pramodat
autkanthya-baspa-kalaya muhur ardyamanas
tac capi citta-badisam sanakair viyunkte
evamthus; harauunto the Supreme Personality of Godhead; bhagavatithe Lord; pratilabdha-bhavahone who has awakened a sense of ecstatic love; bhaktyaby devotional service; dravatmelting; hrdayahthe heart; utpulakahvery pleased; pramodatbecause of happiness; autkanthyawith eagerness; baspa-kalayawith tears in the eyes; muhuhalways; ardyamanahmerged in spiritual bliss; tat ca apithat also; citta-badisamwith the heart like a fishing hook; sanakaihgradually; viyunkteseparates.
" 'When one is in ecstatic love with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one's heart is melted by bhakti-yoga, and one feels transcendental bliss. There are bodily symptoms manifest, and, due to eagerness, there are tears in the eyes. Thus one is subjected to spiritual bliss. When the heart is overly afflicted, the meditative mind, like a fishing hook, is gradually separated from the object of meditation.'
This is also a quotation from Srimad-Bhagavatam (3.28.34).

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