TEXT 368
saktyavesa dui-rupa--'mukhya', 'gauna' dekhi
saksat-saktye 'avatara', abhase 'vibhuti' likhi
sakti-avesaempowered incarnations; dui-rupatwo categories; mukhyaprimary; gaunasecondary; dekhiI see; saksat-saktyewhen there is direct power; avatarathey are called incarnations; abhasewhen there is indication; vibhuti likhithey are called vibhuti, or possessing special favor.
"Empowered incarnations are of two types-primary and secondary. The primary one is directly empowered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead and is called an incarnation. The secondary one is indirectly empowered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead and is called vibhuti.
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