TEXT 124
veda-sastra kahe--'sambandha' 'abhidheya' 'prayojana'
'krsna'--prapya sambandha, 'bhakti'--praptyera sadhana
veda-sastra kahethe Vedic literature instructs; sambandhathe conditioned soul's relationship with the Lord; abhidheyathe regulated activities of the conditioned soul for reviving that relationship; prayojanaand the ultimate goal of life to be attained by the conditioned soul; krsnaLord Krsna; prapyato be awakened; sambandhathe original relationship; bhaktidevotional service; praptyera sadhanathe means of attaining Krsna.
"The Vedic literatures give information about the living entity's eternal relationship with Krsna, which is called sambandha. The living entity's understanding of this relationship and acting accordingly is called abhidheya. Returning home, back to Godhead, is the ultimate goal of life and is called prayojana.
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