TEXT 241
vraje jyetha, khuda, mama, pisadi gopa-gana
sakha-vrnda sabara ghare dvisandhya-bhojana
vrajeat Vrndavana; jyethathe father's elder brothers; khudathe father's younger brothers; mamathe mother's brothers; pisathe husbands of aunts; adiand so on; gopa-ganacowherd men; sakha-vrndahundreds of friends; sabaraof all of them; gharein the houses; dvi-sandhyatwice a day; bho-janaeating.
"In Vrndavana You also have Your father's elder brothers, Your father's younger brothers, maternal uncles, husbands of Your father's sisters and many cowherd men. There are also cowherd boy friends, and You eat twice a day, morning and evening, in the house of each and every one.
In Dvaraka, Lord Krsna had eighteen mothers like Devaki, Rohini and others. Besides these was. His foster mother Yasoda in Vrndavana. Lord Krsna also had two uncles, who were brothers of Nanda Maharaja. As stated by Srila Rupa Gosvami in his Sri-krsna-ganoddesa-dipika, upanando 'bhinandas ca pitrvyau pur-va-jau pituh: "The elder brothers of Nanda Maharaja were Upananda and Abhinanda." Similarly, in the same book the names of the younger brothers of Nanda Maharaja are given. Pitrvyau tu kaniyamsau syatam sannanda-nandanau: "Sannanda and Nandana, or Sunanda and Pandava, were the younger brothers of Krsna's father, Nanda Maharaja." Sri Krsna's maternal uncles were also described there. Yasodhara-yasodeva-sudevadyas tu matulah: "Yasodhara, Yasodeva and Sudeva were the maternal uncles of Krsna." Krsna's uncles are also mentioned. Mahanilah sunilas ca ramanav etayoh kramat: "Mahanila and Sunila are the husbands of Krsna's aunts."
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