vande 'ham sri-guroh sri-yuta-pada-kamalam sri-gurun vaisnavams ca
sri-rupam sagrajatam saha-gana-raghunathanvitam tam sa-jivam
sadvaitam savadhutam parijana-sahitam krsna-caitanya-devam
sri-radha-krsna-padan saha-gana-lalita-sri-visakhanvitams ca
vandeoffer my respectful obeisances; ahamI; sri-gurohof my spiritual master; sri-yuta-pada-kamalamunto the opulent lotus feet; sri-gurununto the spiritual masters in the parampara system, beginning from Madhavendra Puri down to Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada; vaisnavanunto all the Vaisnavas, beginning from Lord Brahma and others coming from the very point of creation; caand; sri-rupamunto Srila Rupa Gosvami; sa-agra-jatamwith his elder brother, Sri Sanatana Gosvami; saha-ganawith associates; raghunatha-anvitamwith Raghunatha dasa Gosvami; tamunto him; sa-jivamwith Jiva Gosvami; sa-advaitamwith Advaita Acarya; sa-avadhutamwith Nityananda Prabhu; parijana-sahitamand with Srivasa Thakura and all the other devotees; krsna-caitanya-devamunto Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; sri radha-krsna-padanunto the lotus feet of the all-opulent Sri Krsna and Radharani; saha-ganawith Their associates; lalita-sri-visakha-anvitanaccompanied by Lalita and Sri Visakha; caalso.
I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of my spiritual master and of all the other preceptors on the path of devotional service, unto all the Vaisnavas and unto the six Gosvamis, including Srila Rupa Gosvami, Srila Sanatana Gosvami, Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, Jiva Gosvami and their associates. I offer my respectful obeisances unto Sri Advaita Acarya Prabhu, Sri Nityananda Prabhu and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, as well as all His devotees, headed by Srivasa Thakura. I then offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of Lord Krsna and Srimati Radharani and all the gopis, headed by Lalita and Visakha.

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