ye gopi mora kare dvese, krsnera kare santose,
krsna yare kare abhilasa
mui tara ghare yana, tare sevon dasi hana,
tabe mora sukhera ullasa
ye gopiany gopi who; moraunto Me; kare dveseshows envy; krsnera kare santosebut satisfies Krsna; krsnaunto Lord Krsna; yareunto whom; karedoes; abhilasadesiring; muiI; taraher; ghare yanagoing to the house; tare sevonshall render service unto her; dasi hanabecoming a maidservant; tabethen; moraMy; sukhera ullasaawakening of happiness.
"If a gopi envious of Me satisfies Krsna and Krsna desires her, I shall not hesitate to go to her house and become her maidservant, for then My happiness will be awakened.

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