sahasra-kare jala seke, sahasra netre gopi dekhe,
sahasra-pade nikata gamane
sahasra-mukha-cumbane, sahasra-vapu-sangame,
gopi-narma sune sahasra-kane
sahasrathousands; karewith hands; jalawater; sekethrow; sahasrathousands; netrewith eyes; gopithe gopis; dekhesee; sahasrathousands; padewith legs; nikatanear; gamanein going; sahasrathousands; mukhafaces; cumbanekissing; sahasrathousands; vapubodies; sangamein embracing; gopithe gopis; narmajoking; sunehear; sahasrathousands; kanein ears.
"Thousands of hands splashed water, and the gopis saw Krsna with thousands of eyes. With thousands of legs they came near Him and kissed Him with thousands of faces. Thousands of bodies embraced Him. The gopis heard His joking words with thousands of ears.
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