TEXTS 16-17
bhakta-premara yata dasa, ye gati prakara
yata duhkha, yata sukha, yateka vikara
krsna taha samyak na pare janite
bhakta-bhava angikare taha asvadite
bhakta-premaraof the ecstatic emotion of the devotee; yataall; dasaconditions; yewhich; gati prakaramode of progress; yataall; duhkhaunhappiness; yataall; sukhahappiness; yatekaall; vikaratransformation; krsnaLord Krsna; tahathat; samyakfully; na pare janitecannot understand; bhakta-bhavathe mood of a devotee; angikareHe accepts; tahathat; asvaditeto taste.
Krsna Himself cannot fully understand the conditions, the mode of progress, the happiness and unhappiness, and the moods of ecstatic love of His devotees. He therefore accepts the role of a devotee to taste these emotions fully.
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