mana krsna-viyogi, duhkhe mana haila yogi,
se viyoge dasa dasa haya
se dasaya vyakula hana, mana gela palana,
sunya mora sarira alaya"
manathe mind; krsna-viyogibereft of Krsna's association; duhkhein unhappiness; manathe mind; hailabecame; yogia mystic yogi; se viyogeby that feeling of separation; dasaten; dasatranscendental transformations; hayathere are; se dasayaby those transcendental transformations; vyakula hanabeing very agitated; manathe mind; gelawent away; palanafleeing; sunyavoid; moraMy; sarirabody; alayaplace of residence.
"When My mind lost the association of Krsna and could no longer see Him, he became depressed and took up mystic yoga. In the void of separation from Krsna, he experienced ten transcendental transformations. Agitated by these transformations, My mind fled, leaving My body, his place of residence, empty. Thus I am completely in trance."
In this verse, the outward activities of the kapalika mendicants have been described, but not their actual life. The kapalika mendicants are tantric materialists who carry skulls in their hands. They are not Vaisnavas and have nothing to do with spiritual life. Therefore they are untouchable. Only an outward comparison has been made between the mind and their activities, but their behavior should never be imitated.
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