sunya-kunja-mandapa-kone, yogabhyasa krsna-dhyane,
tahan rahe lana sisya-gana
krsna atma niranjana, saksat dekhite mana,
dhyane ratri kare jagarana
sunya-kunja-mandapa-konein the corner of a pavilion in a solitary garden; yoga-abhyasapractice of mystic yoga; krsna-dhyaneby meditating on Krsna; tahanthere; raheremains; lanataking; sisya-ganadisciples; krsnaLord Krsna; atmathe Supersoul; niranjanawithout material contamination; saksatdirectly; dekhiteto see; manamind; dhyanein meditation; ratriat night; kare jagaranakeeps awake.
"There is a solitary garden where Krsna enjoys His pastimes, and in one corner of a pavilion in that garden, the yogi of My mind, along with his disciples, practices mystic yoga. Wanting to see Krsna directly, this yogi remains awake throughout the night, meditating on Krsna who is the Supersoul, uncontaminated by the three modes of nature.
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