mukundara matara nama suni' prabhu sankoca haila
tathapi tahara prite kichu na balila
mukundara mataraof the mother of Mukunda; namaname; suni'-hearing; prabhuSri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; sankoca hailafelt some hesitation; tathapistill; taharaof Paramesvara; priteout of affection; kichuanything; na baliladid not say.
Hearing the name of Mukundara Mata, Lord Caitanya hesitated, but because of affection for Paramesvara, He did not say anything.
A sannyasi is restricted from even hearing a woman's name, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu conducted Himself very strictly in His vow. Paramesvara informed the Lord that his wife, Mukundara Mata, had come with him. He should not have mentioned her, and therefore the Lord hesitated for a moment, but due to His affection for Paramesvara, He did not say anything. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had known Paramesvara Modaka since His childhood, and therefore Paramesvara did not think twice about informing the Lord of his wife's arrival.

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