TEXT 145
vicara kariye yadi asvada-upaya
radhika-svarupa ha-ite tabe mana dhaya
vicaraconsideration; kariyeI do; yadiif; asvadato taste; upayaway; radhika-svarupathe nature of Srimati Radharani; ha-iteto become; tabethen; manamind; dhayachases.
"If I deliberate on a way to taste it, I find that I hanker for the position of Radhika."
Krsna's attractiveness is wonderful and unlimited. No one can know the end of it. Srimati Radharani alone can relish such extensiveness from Her position in the asraya category. The mirror of Srimati Radharani's transcendental love is perfectly clear, yet it appears clearer and clearest in the transcendental method of understanding Krsna. In the mirror of Radharani's heart, the transcendental features of Krsna appear increasingly new and fresh. In other words, the attraction of Krsna increases in proportion to the understanding of Srimati Radharani. Each tries to supersede the other. Neither wants to be defeated in increasing the intensity of love. Desiring to understand Radharani's attitude of increasing love, Lord Krsna appeared as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/cc/adi/4/145