1) O Srila Prabhupada! You personally suffer to see the suffering of the fallen conditioned souls. On this anniversary of your separation I am utterly despondent.
2) "The ocean of mercy was previously held back by a dam, but Lord Nityananda personally cut a channel in it and thereby released the outpouring flood of pure ecstatic love of God. " ( from Locana's dasa's song Nitai Guna mani)
3) Those devotees to whom the responsiblity was given to continue spreading this flood of love somehow became overpowered by Maya and were thus reduced to simply performing ritualistic Hindu ceremonies for the benefit of the materialists.
4) Lord Nityananda's inundation of prema was thus completely stopped by those known as jati-gosai (caste gosvamis) But then you personally came, O Master to open wide the floodgates once again.
5) Again you engulfed everyone in the deluge of pure divine loveeven such a low, wretched, fallen and sinful soul as myself.
6) On the strength of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's command you sent all of your servants as spiritual masters, going from door to door, just to deliver the fallen souls.
7) The devotees were enthusiastically preaching everywherefrom the oceans to the Himalaya mountains, But now that you have gone from our midst everything today has become very dark.
8) O Srila Prabhupada! You personally suffer to see the suffering of the fallen conditioned souls. On this day of your separation I am utterly despondent.
Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/articles/29/ea_29-1_first_octet_the_flood_of_krsna_prema