yad yad vato vanchasi tat praticcha me
tvam arthinam vipra-sutanutarkaye
gam kancanam gunavad dhama mrstam
tathanna-peyam uta va vipra-kanyam
graman samrddhams turagan gajan va
rathams tatharhattama sampraticcha
yat yatwhatever; vatoO brahmacari; vanchasiYou desire; tatthat; praticchaYou may take; mefrom me; tvamYou; arthinamdesiring something; vipra-sutaO son of a brahmana; anutarkayeI consider; gama cow; kancanamgold; gunavat dhamaa furnished residence; mrstampalatable; tathaas well as; annafood grains; peyamdrink; utaindeed; vaeither; vipra-kanyamthe daughter of a brahmana; gramanvillages; samrddhanprosperous; turaganhorses; gajanelephants; vaeither; rathanchariots; tathaas well as; arhat-tamaO best of those who are worshipable; sampraticchaYou may take.
O son of a brahmana, it appears that You have come here to ask me for something. Therefore, whatever You want You may take from me. O best of those who are worshipable. You may take from me a cow, gold, a furnished house, palatable food and drink, the daughter of a brahmana for Your wife, prosperous villages, horses, elephants, chariots or whatever You desire.
Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Eighth Canto, Eighteenth Chapter, of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, entitled Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation.

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