na tasya hi tvacam api vajra urjito
bibheda yah sura-patinaujaseritah
tad adbhutam param ativirya-vrtra-bhit
tiraskrto namuci-sirodhara-tvaca
nanot; tasyaof him (Namuci); hiindeed; tvacam apieven the skin; vajrahthe thunderbolt; urjitahvery powerful; bibhedacould pierce; yahthe weapon which; sura-patinaby the king of the demigods; ojasavery forcefully; iritahhad been released; tattherefore; adbhutam paramit was extraordinarily wonderful; ativirya-vrtra-bhitso powerful that it could pierce the body of the very powerful Vrtrasura; tiraskrtah(now in the future) which had been repelled; namuci-sirodhara-tvacaby the skin of Namucis neck.
Although King Indra hurled his thunderbolt at Namuci with great force, it could not even pierce his skin. It is very wonderful that the famed thunderbolt that had pierced the body of Vrtrasura could not even slightly injure the skin of Namucis neck.
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