Spiritual Affection and Variety
Parental affection in this material world is a perverted reflection of parental affection in the spiritual world, where it is found in its pure, original form. Everything originates with the transcendental reality. As stated in the Vedanta-sutra (1.1.2), janmady asya yatah: [SB 1.1.1] The Supreme Absolute Truth is that from which everything emanates. If the affection between a child and his parents did not exist in the Absolute Truth, it could not exist in the material world.
Since the Absolute Truth is the source of everything, whatever varieties we see here in this material world are simply reflections of the varieties in the spiritual world. If the Absolute Truth were without variety, then where have all these varieties come from? No, the Absolute Truth is not impersonal (nirakara) or without variety (nirvisesa).
Still, some persons, called Mayavadis, are so disappointed and frustrated with the imperfect varieties of this material world that they imagine the spiritual world to be impersonal and without variety. These impersonalists realize that they are Brahman, or spirit, but they do not know that there are innumerable planets in the brahmajyoti, or spiritual atmosphere. They think that the brahmajyoti itself is all-in-all. The impersonalists have no information of the Vaikuntha planets, and due to their imperfect knowledge they again come down to these material planets. As said in the Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.2.32):
ye nye ravindaksa vimukta-maninas
tvayy asta-bhavad avisuddha-buddhayah aruhya-krchhrena param padam tatah patanty adho nadrta yusmad anghrayah Although impersonalists are almost liberated, still, on account of their negligence of the lotus feet of Krsna, their intelligence is not yet purified. Thus despite performing severe austerities to rise up to the platform of Brahman, they must fall down again to this material world.
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