Minute Independence
Due to repeated birth and death in so many material bodies, we have all forgotten that we are part and parcel of God, that we have an intimate relationship with Him, and that somehow or other we have fallen into this material world. It is very difficult to exactly pinpoint the origin of this forgetfulness. But even though we have forgotten Him since time immemorial, Krsna is so merciful that to remind us of our spiritual identity and our oneness with Him as His parts, He comes personally and teaches us what we have forgotten. And when He departs He leaves behind the scripture, especially the Bhagavad-gita, where He requests, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja: Please give up all your nonsense and surrender unto Me. I shall give you all protection. (Bhagavad-gita 18.66)
Krsna is the father of all living entities. He is not happy that all these souls in the material world are rotting like hogs. Therefore He sends His representatives. In the case of Lord Jesus Christ, Krsna sent His son. Lord Jesus claimed to be the son of God. Everyone is a son of God, but this son was an especially favorite son, and he was sent to a particular place to reclaim the conditioned souls back home, back to Godhead.
But if the conditioned souls insist on staying here, what can Krsna or His servant do? They allow us to go on with our materialistic activities, because the first condition for getting out of the material prison house is that we must desire to get out. When we finally become disgusted with our predicament, we pray, My dear Lord, I have served lust, anger, and greed for so long, but they are still unsatisfied, and now I have become disgusted with serving them. Now, my dear Lord Krsna, my intelligence is awakened, and I have come to You. Please engage me in Your service.
The living entity is the marginal energy (tatastha-sakti) of the Lord, which means he can choose to be controlled by Krsnas inferior, material energy or His superior, spiritual energy. We devotees have chosen to come to Krsna consciousness. In other words, we have agreed to surrender to Krsna and submit to the protection of His internal, spiritual energy. Surrender to Krsna begins with chanting the Hare Krsna mantra: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. The word Hare indicates the devotional energy of Krsna, Krsna means the all-attractive Supreme Personality of Godhead, and Rama means the Supreme Enjoyer.
But there are many who will not come, because they do not agree to come under the control of Krsnas spiritual energy. But Krsna does not interfere. He says, You may remain in the material world or come to Mewhatever you like. We have been given minute independence and the intelligence to discriminate between what to do and what not to do.
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