ye viksiptendriya-dhiyo
devas te sva-hrdi sthitam
na vindanti priyam sasvad
atmanam kim utapare
yewhich personalities; viksipta-indriya-dhiyahwhose senses, mind and intelligence are always agitated because of material conditions; devahlike the demigods; tesuch persons; sva-hrdiin the core of the heart; sthitamsituated; nanot; vindantiknow; priyamthe dearmost Personality of Godhead; sasvatconstantly, eternally; atmanamthe Supreme Personality of Godhead; kim utawhat to speak of; apareothers (like human beings).
Even though the demigods have the advantages of being situated in the higher planetary system, their minds, senses and intelligence are agitated by material conditions. Therefore, even such elevated persons fail to realize the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is eternally situated in the core of the heart. What then is to be said of others, such as human beings, who have fewer advantages?
It is a fact that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is always situated in everyones heart (isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese rjuna tisthati [Bg. 18.61]). But because of our material anxieties, which are inevitable in this material world, we cannot understand the Supreme Lord, although He is situated so near to us. For those always agitated by material conditions, the yogic process is recommended so that one may concentrate his mind upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead within the heart. Dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa pasyanti yam yoginah [SB 12.13.1]. Because in material conditions the mind and senses are always agitated, by the yogic procedures like dharana, asana and dhyana one must quiet the mind and concentrate it upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In other words, the yogic process is a material attempt to realize the Lord, whereas bhakti, devotional service, is the spiritual process by which to realize Him. Maharaja Khatvanga accepted the spiritual path, and therefore he was no longer interested in anything material. Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita (18.55), bhaktya mam abhijanati: Only by devotional service can I be understood. One can understand Krsna, the Parabrahman, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, only through devotional service. The Lord never says that one can understand Him by performing mystic yoga or by philosophically speculating. Bhakti is above all such material attempts. Anyabhilasita-sunyam jnana-karmady-anavrtam [Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.1.11]. Bhakti is uncontaminated, being unalloyed even by jnana or pious activities.
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