sa vai sapta sama garbham
abibhran na vyajayata
jaghne smanodaram tasyah
so smakas tena kathyate
sashe, Queen Madayanti; vaiindeed; saptaseven; samahyears; garbhamthe child within the womb; abibhratcontinued to bear; nanot; vyajayatagave delivery; jaghnestruck; asmanaby a stone; udaramabdomen; tasyahof her; saha son; asmakahby the name Asmaka; tenabecause of this; kathyatewas called.
Madayanti bore the child within the womb for seven years and did not give birth. Therefore Vasistha struck her abdomen with a stone, and then the child was born. Consequently, the child was known as Asmaka [the child born of a stone].

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