ambarisa uvaca
tvam agnir bhagavan suryas
tvam somo jyotisam patih
tvam apas tvam ksitir vyoma
vayur matrendriyani ca
ambarisahMaharaja Ambarisa; uvacasaid; tvamyou (are); agnihthe fire; bhagavanthe most powerful; suryahthe sun; tvamyou (are); somahthe moon; jyotisamof all the luminaries; patihthe master; tvamyou (are); apahwater; tvamyou (are); ksitihearth; vyomasky; vayuhthe air; matrathe objects of the senses; indriyaniand the senses; caalso.
Maharaja Ambarisa said: O Sudarsana cakra, you are fire, you are the most powerful sun, and you are the moon, the master of all luminaries. You are water, earth and sky, you are the air, you are the five sense objects [sound, touch, form, taste and smell], and you are the senses also.
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