ya etat samsmaret pratah
sayam ca susamahitah
kavir bhavati mantra-jno
gatim caiva tathatmanah
yahanyone who; etatabout this incident; samsmaretmay remember; pratahin the morning; sayam caand in the evening; susamahitahwith great attention; kavihlearned; bhavatibecomes; mantra-jnahwell aware of all Vedic mantras; gatimthe destination; caalso; evaindeed; tatha atmanahlike that of the self-realized soul.
If one hears and chants or remembers this narration in the morning and evening with great attention, he certainly becomes learned, experienced in understanding the Vedic hymns, and expert in self-realization.
Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/sb/9/4/12