tato yajan manur devam
apatyartham harim prabhum
iksvaku-purvajan putran
lebhe sva-sadrsan dasa
tatahthereafter; ayajatworshiped; manuhVaivasvata Manu; devamunto the Supreme Personality of Godhead; apatya-arthamwith a desire to get sons; harimunto Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead; prabhumthe Lord; iksvaku-purva-janof whom the eldest was named Iksvaku; putransons; lebhegot; sva-sadrsanexactly like himself; dasaten.
Then, because of this desire for sons, the Manu known as Sraddhadeva worshiped the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead, the Lord of the demigods. Thus he got ten sons exactly like himself. Among them all, Iksvaku was the eldest.

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