tasya uddharanopayam
bastah kami vicintayan
vyadhatta tirtham uddhrtya
visanagrena rodhasi
tasyahof the she-goat; uddharana-upayamthe means of deliverance (from the well); bastahthe he-goat; kamihaving lusty desires; vicintayanplanning; vyadhattaexecuted; tirthama way to come out; uddhrtyadigging the earth; visana-agrenaby the point of the horns; rodhasiat the edge of the well.
After planning how to get the she-goat out of the well, the lusty he-goat dug up the earth on the wells edge with the point of his horns in such a way that she was able to come out very easily.
Attraction for woman is the impetus for economic development, housing and many other things meant for living comfortably in this material world. Digging up the earth to make a way out for the she-goat was a laborious task, but before accepting the she-goat, the he-goat underwent this labor. Aho grha-ksetra-sutapta-vittair janasya moho yam aham mameti [SB 5.5.8]. The union between male and female provides the impetus for gaining a nice apartment, a good income, children and friends. Thus one becomes entangled in this material world.

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