atha rajani niryate
rama asrama agatah
srutva tat tasya dauratmyam
cukrodhahir ivahatah
athathereafter; rajaniwhen the King; niryatehad gone away; ramahParasurama, the youngest son of Jamadagni; asramein the cottage; agatahreturned; srutvawhen he heard; tatthat; tasyaof Kartaviryarjuna; dauratmyamnefarious act; cukrodhabecame extremely angry; ahiha snake; ivalike; ahatahtrampled or injured.
Thereafter, Kartaviryarjuna having left with the kamadhenu, Parasurama returned to the asrama. When Parasurama, the youngest son of Jamadagni, heard about Kartaviryarjunas nefarious deed, he became as angry as a trampled snake.

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