bubhuje ca yatha-kalam
kaman dharmam apidayan
varsa-pugan bahun nrnam
bubhujeHe enjoyed; caalso; yatha-kalamas long as required; kamanall enjoyment; dharmamreligious principles; apidayanwithout transgressing; varsa-puganduration of years; bahunmany; nrnamof the people in general; abhidhyatabeing meditated upon; anghri-pallavahHis lotus feet.
Without transgressing the religious principles, Lord Ramacandra, whose lotus feet are worshiped by devotees in meditation, enjoyed with all the paraphernalia of transcendental pleasure for as long as needed.
Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Ninth Canto, Eleventh Chapter, of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, entitled Lord Ramacandra Rules the World.
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