sri-suka uvaca
pite gare vrsankena
pritas te mara-danavah
mamanthus tarasa sindhum
havirdhani tato bhavat
sri-sukah uvacaSri Sukadeva Gosvami said; pitewas drunk; garewhen the poison; vrsa-ankenaby Lord Siva, who sits on a bull; pritahbeing pleased; teall of them; amarathe demigods; danavahand the demons; mamanthuhagain began to churn; tarasawith great force; sindhumthe ocean of milk; havirdhanithe surabhi cow, who is the source of clarified butter; tatahfrom that churning; abhavatwas generated.
Sukadeva Gosvami continued: Upon Lord Sivas drinking the poison, both the demigods and the demons, being very pleased, began to churn the ocean with renewed vigor. As a result of this, there appeared a cow known as surabhi.
The surabhi cow is described as havirdhani, the source of butter. Butter, when clarified by melting, produces ghee, or clarified butter, which is inevitably necessary for performing great ritualistic sacrifices. As stated in Bhagavad-gita (18. 5), yajna-dana-tapah-karma na tyajyam karyam eva tat: sacrifice, charity and austerity are essential to keep human society perfect in peace and prosperity. Yajna, the performance of sacrifice, is essential; to perform yajna, clarified butter is absolutely necessary; and to get clarified butter, milk is necessary. Milk is produced when there are sufficient cows. Therefore in Bhagavad-gita (18.44), cow protection is recommended (krsi-go-raksya-vanijyam vaisya-karma svabhava jam).
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