TEXTS 2223
ksiptva ksirodadhau sarva
manthanam mandaram krtva
netram krtva tu vasukim
sahayena maya deva
nirmanthadhvam atandritah
klesa-bhajo bhavisyanti
daitya yuyam phala-grahah
ksiptvaputting; ksira-udadhauin the ocean of milk; sarvahall kinds of; virutcreepers; trnagrass; latavegetables; ausadhihand drugs; manthanamthe churning rod; mandaramMandara Mountain; krtvamaking; netramthe churning rope; krtvamaking; tubut; vasukimthe snake Vasuki; sahayenawith a helper; mayaby Me; devahall the demigods; nirmanthadhvamgo on churning; atandritahvery carefully, without diversion; klesa-bhajahsharetakers of sufferings; bhavisyantiwill be; daityahthe demons; yuyambut all of you; phala-grahahgainers of the actual result.
O demigods, cast into the ocean of milk all kinds of vegetables, grass, creepers and drugs. Then, with My help, making Mandara Mountain the churning rod and Vasuki the rope for churning, churn the ocean of milk with undiverted attention. Thus the demons will be engaged in labor, but you, the demigods, will gain the actual result, the nectar produced from the ocean.
It appears that when different kinds of drugs, creepers, grass and vegetables are put into this milk and the milk is churned, as milk is churned for butter, the active principles of the vegetables and drugs mix with the milk, and the result is nectar.
Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/sb/8/6/22-23