balena sacivair buddhya
durgair mantrausadhadibhih
samadibhir upayais ca
kalam natyeti vai janah
balenaby material power; sacivaihby the counsel of ministers; buddhyaby intelligence; durgaihby fortresses; mantra-ausadha-adibhihby mystic chanting or the influence of drugs and herbs; sama-adibhihby diplomacy and other such means; upayaih caby similar other attempts; kalamthe time factor, representing the Supreme Lord; nanever; atyetican overcome; vaiindeed; janahany person.
No one can surpass the time representation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead by material power, by the counsel of ministers, by intelligence, by diplomacy, by fortresses, by mystic mantras, by drugs, by herbs or by any other means.
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