sri-suka uvaca
asid girivaro rajams
trikuta iti visrutah
ksirodenavrtah sriman
yojanayutam ucchritah
sri-sukah uvacaSri Sukadeva Gosvami said; asitthere was; girivaraha very big mountain; rajanO King; tri-kutahTrikuta; itithus; visrutahcelebrated; ksira-udenaby the ocean of milk; avrtahsurrounded; srimanvery beautiful; yojanaa measurement of eight miles; ayutamten thousand; ucchritahvery high.
Sukadeva Gosvami said: My dear King, there is a very large mountain called Trikuta. It is ten thousand yojanas [eighty thousand miles] high. Being surrounded by the ocean of milk, it is very beautifully situated.

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