strisu narma-vivahe ca
vrtty-arthe prana-sankate
go-brahmanarthe himsayam
nanrtam syaj jugupsitam
strisuto encourage a woman and bring her under control; narma-vivahein joking or in a marriage ceremony; caalso; vrtti-arthefor earning ones livelihood, as in business; prana-sankateor in time of danger; go-brahmana-arthefor the sake of cow protection and brahminical culture; himsayamfor any person who is going to be killed because of enmity; nanot; anrtamfalsity; syatbecomes; jugupsitamabominable.
In flattering a woman to bring her under control, in joking, in a marriage ceremony, in earning ones livelihood, when ones life is in danger, in protecting cows and brahminical culture, or in protecting a person from an enemys hand, falsity is never condemned.
Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Eighth Canto, Nineteenth Chapter, of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, entitled, Lord Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja.
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