sargam prajesa-rupena
dasyun hanyat svarad-vapuh
kala-rupena sarvesam
abhavaya prthag gunah
sargamcreation of progeny; praja-isa-rupenain the form of the Prajapati Marici and others; dasyunthieves and rogues; hanyatkills; sva-rat-vapuhin the form of the king; kala-rupenain the form of time; sarvesamof everything; abhavayafor the annihilation; prthakdifferent; gunahpossessing qualities.
In the form of Prajapati Marici, the Supreme Personality of Godhead creates progeny; becoming the king, He kills the thieves and rogues; and in the form of time, He annihilates everything. All the different qualities of material existence should be understood to be qualities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

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