svayambhuvasyeha guro
vamso yam vistarac chrutah
yatra visva-srjam sargo
manun anyan vadasva nah
sri-raja uvacathe King (Maharaja Pariksit) said; svayambhuvasyaof the great personality Svayambhuva Manu; ihain this connection; guroO my spiritual master; vamsahdynasty; ayamthis; vistaratextensively; srutahI have heard (from you); yatrawherein; visva-srjamof the great personalities known as the prajapatis, such as Marici; sargahcreation, involving the birth of many sons and grandsons from the daughters of Manu; manunManus; anyanother; vadasvakindly describe; nahto us.
King Pariksit said: O my lord, my spiritual master, now I have fully heard from Your Grace about the dynasty of Svayambhuva Manu. But there are also other Manus, and I want to hear about their dynasties. Kindly describe them to us.
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