tasmad arthas ca kamas ca
dharmas ca yad-apasrayah
aniham harim isvaram
tasmattherefore; arthahambitions for economic development; caand; kamahambitions for satisfaction of the senses; caalso; dharmahduties of religion; caand; yatupon whom; apasrayahdependent; bhajataworship; anihayawithout desire for them; atmanamthe Supersoul; anihamindifferent; harimthe Supreme Personality of Godhead; isvaramthe Lord.
The four principles of advancement in spiritual lifedharma, artha, kama and moksaall depend on the disposition of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore, my dear friends, follow in the footsteps of devotees. Without desire, fully depend upon the disposition of the Supreme Lord, worship Him, the Supersoul, in devotional service.
These are words of intelligence. Everyone should know that in every stage of life we are dependent upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore the dharma, religion, which we accept should be that which is recommended by Prahlada Maharajabhagavata-dharma. This is the instruction of Krsna: sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja [Bg. 18.66]. To take shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna means to act according to the rules and regulations of bhagavata-dharma, devotional service. As far as economic development is concerned, we should discharge our occupational duties but fully depend on the lotus feet of the Lord for the results. Karmany evadhikaras te ma phalesu kadacana: You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of action. According to ones position, one should perform his duties, but for the results one should fully depend upon Krsna. Narottama dasa Thakura sings that our only desire should be to perform the duties of Krsna consciousness. We should not be misled by the karma-mimamsa philosophy, which concludes that if we work seriously the results will come automatically. This is not a fact. The ultimate result depends upon the will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In devotional service, therefore, the devotee completely depends upon the Lord and honestly performs his occupational duties. Therefore Prahlada Maharaja advised his friends to depend completely on Krsna and worship Him in devotional service.
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