yam sadhu-gatha-sadasi
ripavo pi sura nrpa
pratimanam prakurvanti
kim utanye bhavadrsah
yamwhom; sadhu-gatha-sadasiin an assembly where saintly persons gather or exalted characteristics are discussed; ripavahpersons who were supposed to have been Prahlada Maharajas enemies (even such a devotee as Prahlada Maharaja had enemies, including even his own father); apieven; surahthe demigods (the demigods are enemies of the demons, and since Prahlada Maharaja was born in a family of demons, the demigods should have been his enemies); nrpaO King Yudhisthira; pratimanama substantial example of the best among the devotees; prakurvantithey make; kim utawhat to speak of; anyeothers; bhavadrsahexalted personalities such as yourself.
In any assembly where there are discourses about saints and devotees, O King Yudhisthira, even the enemies of the demons, namely the demigods, what to speak of you, would cite Prahlada Maharaja as an example of a great devotee.
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