TEXTS 2223
tasyai namo stu kasthayai
yatratma harir isvarah
yad gatva na nivartante
santah sannyasino malah
iti te samyatatmanah
samahita-dhiyo malah
upatasthur hrsikesam
vinidra vayu-bhojanah
tasyaiunto that; namahour respectful obeisances; astulet there be; kasthayaidirection; yatrawherein; atmathe Supersoul; harihthe Supreme Personality of Godhead; isvarahthe supreme controller; yatwhich; gatvaapproaching; nanever; nivartantereturn; santahpeaceful; sannyasinahsaintly persons in the renounced order of life; amalahpure; itithus; tethey; samyata-atmanahhaving controlled minds; samahitasteadied; dhiyahintelligences; amalahpurified; upatasthuhworshiped; hrsikesamthe master of the senses; vinidrahwithout sleeping; vayu-bhojanaheating only air.
Let us offer our respectful obeisances unto that direction where the Supreme Personality of Godhead is situated, where those purified souls in the renounced order of life, the great saintly persons, go, and from which, having gone, they never return. Without sleep, fully controlling their minds, and living on only their breath, the predominating deities of the various planets began worshiping Hrsikesa with this meditation.
The two words tasyai kasthayai are very significant. Everywhere, in every direction, in every heart and in every atom, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is situated in His features as Brahman and Paramatma. Then what is the purpose of saying tasyai kasthayaiin that direction where Hari is situated? During Hiranyakasipus time, his influence was everywhere, but he could not force his influence into the places where the Supreme Personality of Godhead had His pastimes. For example, on this earth there are such places as Vrndavana and Ayodhya, which are called dhamas. In the dhama, there is no influence from Kali-yuga or any demon. If one takes shelter of such a dhama, worship of the Lord becomes very easy, and resultant spiritual advancement quickly takes place. In fact, in India one may still go to Vrndavana and similar places to achieve the results of spiritual activities quickly.

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