TEXTS 4849
himsram dravyamayam kamyam
darsas ca purnamasas ca
caturmasyam pasuh sutah
etad istam pravrttakhyam
hutam prahutam eva ca
purtam suralayarama-
himsrama system of killing and sacrificing animals; dravya-mayamrequiring much paraphernalia; kamyamfull of unlimited material desires; agni-hotra-adiritualistic ceremonies such as the agni-hotra-yajna; asanti-damcausing anxieties; darsahthe darsa ritualistic ceremony; caand; purnamasahthe purnamasa ritualistic ceremony; caalso; caturmasyamobserving four months of regulative principles; pasuhthe ceremony of sacrificing animals or pasu-yajna; sutahthe soma-yajna; etatof all this; istamthe goal; pravrtta-akhyamknown as material attachment; hutamVaisvadeva, an incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; prahutama ceremony called Baliharana; evaindeed; caalso; purtamfor the benefit of the public; sura-alayaconstructing temples for demigods; aramaresting houses and gardens; kupadigging wells; ajivya-adiactivities like distributing food and water; laksanamsymptoms.
The ritualistic ceremonies and sacrifices known as agni-hotrayajna, darsa-yajna, purnamasa-yajna, caturmasya-yajna, pasu-yajna and soma-yajna are all symptomized by the killing of animals and the burning of many valuables, especially food grains, all for the fulfillment of material desires and the creation of anxiety. Performing such sacrifices, worshiping Vaisvadeva, and performing the ceremony of Baliharana, which all supposedly constitute the goal of life, as well as constructing temples for demigods, building resting houses and gardens, digging wells for the distribution of water, establishing booths for the distribution of food, and performing activities for public welfarethese are all symptomized by attachment to material desires.
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