dvau daive pitr-karye trin
ekaikam ubhayatra va
bhojayet susamrddho pi
sraddhe kuryan na vistaram
dvautwo; daiveduring the period when oblations are offered to the demigods; pitr-karyein the sraddha ceremony, in which oblations are offered to the forefathers; trinthree; ekaone; ekamone; ubhayatrafor both occasions; vaeither; bhojayetone should feed; su-samrddhah apieven though one is very rich; sraddhewhen offering oblations to the forefathers; kuryatone should do; nanot; vistaramvery expensive arrangements.
During the period for offering oblations to the demigods, one should invite only two brahmanas, and while offering oblations to the forefathers, one may invite three brahmanas. Or, in either case, only one brahmana will suffice. Even though one is very opulent, he should not endeavor to invite more brahmanas or make various expensive arrangements on those occasions.
As we have already mentioned, Srila Advaita Acarya, during the generally observed ceremony to offer oblations to the forefathers, invited only Haridasa Thakura. Thus He followed this principle: na mebhaktas catur-vedi mad-bhaktah sva-pacah priyah. The Lord says, It is not necessary that one become very expert in Vedic knowledge before he can become My bhakta, or devotee. Even if one is born in a family of dog-eaters, he can become My devotee and be very dear to Me, in spite of having taken birth in such a family. Therefore, offerings should be given to My devotee, and whatever My devotee has offered Me should be accepted. Following this principle, one should invite a first-class brahmana or Vaisnavaa realized souland feed him while observing the sraddha ceremony to offer oblations to ones forefathers.
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