sayanau yudhi nirbhinna-
hrdayau rama-sayakaih
tac-cittau jahatur deham
yatha praktana-janmani
sayanaubeing laid down; yudhion the battlefield; nirbhinnabeing pierced; hrdayauin the core of the heart; rama-sayakaihby the arrows of Lord Ramacandra; tat-cittauthinking or being conscious of Lord Ramacandra; jahatuhgave up; dehambody; yathaeven as; praktana-janmaniin their previous births.
Pierced by the arrows of Lord Ramacandra, both Kumbhakarna and Ravana lay on the ground and left their bodies, fully absorbed in thought of the Lord, just as they had in their previous births as Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu.
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